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Roadcheck preps: How are you preparing for the June 4-6 planned inspection blitz this year?

Total Votes: 945

  • don bowman - 6 years ago

    Fix and Change before its bad or broke

  • John Devisser - 6 years ago

    Why doesn't this industry work togrther. If the state scale houses would offer 1 free inspection every quarter or 1/2 year with no ticket or points, and no fines, just a 12 hour fix it or in extreme situations fix it on the spot or tow it. This would set the bar for safety and no second guessing, most everyone would be lined up for that inspection.

  • joe smoe - 6 years ago

    It is just a big fund raiser for the government. Lets get out there and shake down some drivers and tell them its for there own good. JUST MORE B/S The hole time they tell the DOT there not crooks strong arming drivers

  • John Daniels - 6 years ago

    It's all about money not safety

  • John Daniels - 6 years ago

    It's all about money not safety

  • Alex - 6 years ago

    All bs,but I'll keep going on ,f em

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