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Do you like Sharon and Rey together?

Total Votes: 17,877

  • Diane Parks - 6 years ago

    Sharon & Ray yes with all that love making maybe it's time for Ray to smile more with his own baby with Sharon and marriage, since he filed for divorce.
    Motto: if you keep your love and commitment real, real love and commitment will come to you.

    Abbie and the new Dr. YES. Let him ROCK her world, and let her lady like fiery self be just what he
    needs in his !

    Devon, thinks of the new lady but can't get his heart past his wife and child being gone. So he says he can't.
    Wouldn't this be the shake up of all shake ups. If Hillary and baby is ALIVE !!!! Horrible Dr nate put her in
    a death trance, took her to a hidden place keeping her and baby captive. BUT ! she and baby escapes and find her way home to her Love, her Husband Devon !!

  • Tanza - 6 years ago

    No I don’t like Sharon & Ray together. Chole crazy she may have shot Adam/don’t like this one. Abby’s had her chance with a doctor maybe her & Nate will work out? ????????‍♀️ I would love Devone & the new girl to get together!

  • Anntoinette - 6 years ago

    If I may; I like Rey and Sharon together, but I don't like this new Adam either! He reminds me of darrin from bewitched!

  • Sam Luongo - 6 years ago

    I agree to I thought so to

  • Sam Luongo - 6 years ago

    I thought so to

  • Sam Luongo - 6 years ago

    I agree to I thought so to

  • Terri - 6 years ago

    Nooooooo Sharon deserves much better and that is Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!! Ray should have left with his crazy wife and cheating brother. Abby let your past go and hook up with that Doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Adam sucks btw.

  • joyce bilodeau - 6 years ago

    I love those two together, they are so hot!!! Rey had the sexiest eyes when he looks at her.....LOL sorry

  • Sally Soles - 6 years ago

    I thought Phyllis was supposed to be leaving you tell us that she's leaving and it's over two months now I'm glad that Mia and Arturo are leaving yes I do like Ray with Sharon I hope and gets better and maybe ends up with Chelsea

  • Sally Soles - 6 years ago

    I thought Phyllis was supposed to be leaving you tell us that she's leaving and it's over two months now I'm glad that Mia and Arturo are leaving yes I do like Ray with Sharon I hope and gets better and maybe ends up with Chelsea

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