no, short visit be w her mother Dina. Dina, comes 1st. bk to Paris or Hawaii Vacation Shopping together w Phyllis
Wanda Halsted - 6 years ago
Nobody has a more "BEAUTIFUL" smile than Ashley Abbott, she can light up a room all by herself. Wish she was my daughter. I love her to pieces..Come home Ash* we miss you.
Love to you from the Jay family in Fl.
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Let her come see Dena, then send her behind back to Paris. Can't stand Ashley, never could but now, more so than ever.
no, short visit be w her mother Dina. Dina, comes 1st. bk to Paris or Hawaii Vacation Shopping together w Phyllis
Nobody has a more "BEAUTIFUL" smile than Ashley Abbott, she can light up a room all by herself. Wish she was my daughter. I love her to pieces..Come home Ash* we miss you.
Love to you from the Jay family in Fl.