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Should you thank someone for retweeting or is a waste of a tweet?

Total Votes: 95

  • eydryan - 16 years ago

    It's just something that clogs up communication, especially if there are a lot of updates as well. and also it brings up the point, should you reply to the thanks message? :)

    imo if you really want to say thanks, make it a DM.

  • Pirate Prude - 16 years ago

    Tweeting in general is a waste of time. That's why we all love it so much...

  • Gabe - 16 years ago

    I vote for the DM route if you feel it is needed to thank.

    @the comments about it not taking very long an being free... I agree when I am at my computer, but one of the things I love about Twitter is that it goes to my phone when I am not at the computer. On my POS free cell... not so quick (free with my plan though.) So I voted for no thanking in the poll, though that opinion might change if the wife gives in on my "need" for an iPhone.

  • Jacob Cass - 16 years ago

    I think dming works a lot better so you don't clog up peoples feeds with @thank you all the time. Also regarding self promoting, I think Twitter is great for that, everyone does it and it is a good way to share but ensure that you share other peoples articles. That way it is win win for all.

  • Ezra Butler - 16 years ago

    I do see both sides to the case. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't usually happen that 30 people retweet my every word. Many times, I will follow up over im or dm, just so it doesn't clog up the twittersphere, but so I can express my gratitude for the retweet.
    However, if someone retweets a post that i made, sometimes it could be rather strategic to "thank" them for the retweet 5 hours later, thereby, through a backdoor, reminding people about the original post. But *I* would never do that, because that is just blatant self-promotion.

  • Emily Veras - 16 years ago

    It really can take 2 mere seconds to say thank you , so my choice was option 1.

  • Matt - 16 years ago

    I think it's the polite thing to do! However I can understand when you've got as many people thanking you as Jacob gets then it can get annoying having to thank all of them, even when you're appreciative. Best way is just do a big group thanks!


  • Jacob Cass - 16 years ago

    There is positives and negatives of both... thanks are usually pointless and clog up feeds however it is polite and shows that you are appreciative of the RT however when you have a large number of followers or a tweet gets RTed often then it can get irritating.

    Don't get me wrong I don't want to be rude but sometimes I think it is irritating when I see a whole bunch of thanks. If I get a lot of RTs I usually do a collective RT as Krush said.

  • krush_design - 16 years ago

    I think a collective thanks would be better than thanking each RT'er though!

  • Neilio - 16 years ago

    Well, it's hardly a waste when it costs nothing...

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