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What's Your Favorite May 2019 Release? (vote for three; or write one in!) (Poll Closed)


  • Tiffany Shireman - 5 years ago

    Love, love love...”Live in Tennessee” by Anderson East! When I first heard Anderson East I knew that he was special! His voice, arrangement of music and his sound is so passionately soulful! Anderson is an awesome song writer! Talented is all I can say!! So proud of him and can’t wait to hear what is coming next! If you’ve never heard him live listen to Live in Tennessee so you can hear his personality! What a kind and humble soul!

  • Lisa W Davis - 5 years ago

    Anderson East has a unique sound with heart felt vocals. I have loved everything I hear him sing and look forward to the music to come in the future! (He is a awesome songwriter as well.)

  • Toby - 5 years ago

    Anderson East’s Live album “Alive in Tennessee” is the finest example of recording mastery to be released this year!

  • Marty - 5 years ago

    I have loved Anderson East from the first time I heard him❤????????????????

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