Will Zoe hurt Xander to keep him quiet?


  • Joseph J Hordych - 6 years ago

    I kind of agree with Steve Alexander except that I am still watching. I am hoping something happens to get Zoe off the show like maybe put her in jail for conspiracy! Unfortunately I think Xander will be hurt physically because of his attempt to let Hope know what's going on and that's unfortunate. I agree the storyline is dragging on way way too long should be over by now. Let's get onto something more interesting instead of hearing hope whining every day about how the children should all have parents. Thomas is concerned if I were there I just knock them down in the face he is obnoxious and I don't even think I'd like him if he was a real person! The storyline has become stagnant and nobody is really stood up against Thomas. He even let his father understand things from his point of view although the father is kind of prejudice because he wants Liam back with Steffy. Liam needs to punch Thomas out

  • Stevie Alexander - 6 years ago

    I wish Xander would tell, but knowing THIS show,he won't. They will drag it on until the baby is 12! Why I am not interested in it anymore. Stopped watching. Was giving me a headache. If I ever hearHope has gotten her child, I probably will start watching again. This storyline had gotten me hating people I use to llike! Everone will know except Liam & Hope & she needs to be in a phyc ward!!

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