Why can't the truth just be told to Liam & Hope. Why keep making the situation worse. Liam & Steffy.. NO! Put Hope and her family together and move on to another storyline. This is getting old and childish and you writers think its okay to see a woman suffer after losing a child. WELL ITS NOT! Send this Thomas back to where he came from or let him realize that since Beth is alive he has no future with Hope and move on to Flo or Sally
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Why can't the truth just be told to Liam & Hope. Why keep making the situation worse. Liam & Steffy.. NO! Put Hope and her family together and move on to another storyline. This is getting old and childish and you writers think its okay to see a woman suffer after losing a child. WELL ITS NOT! Send this Thomas back to where he came from or let him realize that since Beth is alive he has no future with Hope and move on to Flo or Sally