Who Won The First Democratic Primary Debate Of 2019?


  • Elizabeth Reday is full of BS - 6 years ago

    "Tulsi is only trending for the same reason Trump did last time...she is a Russian asset and is being supported by Russian trolls. We should know better. She is a one trick pony and that one trick is lovin' Putin. Don't trust any poll on-line poll and facebook comments. The are Russian trolls. All one needs to know is this few things: David Duke likes her, Steve Bannon likes her, RT likes her and she love Julian Assange. Oh, and she was being vetted be the Trump admin for a cabinet position. Figure it out...."

    lol figure out that you're a jealous corporate democrat sock puppet simpleton who's completely full of it?
    You have no proof whatsoever beyond a long debunked NBC article about the "Russian asset" garbage. You should know better that there's no evidence of your pathetic, McCarthyist "It's the Russians!" conspiracy theory.
    Just because she speaks peace doesn't mean she's a Putin lover you imbecile. David Duke, Steve Bannon, etc likes her is all guilt-by-approval BS smear tactic, dumbest of the dumb. They also probably like ice cream, do you like ice cream? As far as being vetted for Trump admin, that's also pure BS since she was only there to speak with Trump regarding foreign policy with Syria to not get him to cave to the neocons. She's the biggest threat to Trump if you desperate corporate shill DNC scum don't rig the debates and primary, just to get 4 more years of him anyway.

  • Elizabeth Reday - 6 years ago

    Tulsi is only trending for the same reason Trump did last time...she is a Russian asset and is being supported by Russian trolls. We should know better. She is a one trick pony and that one trick is lovin' Putin. Don't trust any poll on-line poll and facebook comments. The are Russian trolls. All one needs to know is this few things: David Duke likes her, Steve Bannon likes her, RT likes her and she love Julian Assange. Oh, and she was being vetted be the Trump admin for a cabinet position. Figure it out....

  • Cecily Cleveland - 6 years ago

    Tulsa Gabbard, unknown to me before the debate, was quite presidential. I liked her calm toughness. I'm still backing Elizabeth Warren at this time. Was very impressed with Corey Broker's command of the Spanish language.

  • opus131 - 6 years ago

    A more interesting question would be, "Which candidate who you did not previously support made the best impression on you?" In the question you asked, people will typically vote for the candidate they already support.

  • Ernest - 6 years ago

    The questions were not addressed to all the candidates evenly, questions were addressed disproportionately to Elizabeth Warren, Julian Castro, Beto O'rourke and Cory Booker. Feel a diserverce done to the rest of the candidates.

  • Kathy Blackwell - 6 years ago

    Even though I didn't care for the debate format, I did like when they asked each candidate to answer the same question (rather than have the moderators choose who gets to answer a question, which proved to be extremely biased!) Despite not having much time to speak, I believe that Tulsi Gabbard made a good impression with her composed demeanor & intelligent responses! She cares deeply about the people of this country, & wants to do the right thing, but instead is being shunned by much of the media & her own political party for not pulling any punches when it comes to telling the actual truth (rather than simply spouting appealing sound bites!) That's the kind of leader that I want, one who's not afraid to tell the whole truth so that we can face it head on & deal with it the proper way! Don't get me wrong, each candidate did have some good ideas, but Tulsi Gabbard is the one who possesses all of the qualities that I want in our nation's President!!!

  • Molly - 6 years ago

    Tulsi was a class act. I can honestly say I won't vote for any of the supposedly progressive men who all shouted over each other and the moderators. So progressive I guess they can't let women speak. I hope next time we'll get to hear more from her! She is a breath of fresh air.

  • Lisa - 6 years ago

    WILLIAM who loves Tulsi
    We need all the votes we can get no matter who wins the primary. There will be 2 more scotus seats in the next term. If you vote green party nothing you believe in will happen for decades. By then it will be too late. Please think about the very real impact your vote has besides who is president. I wish ppl would have understood that in 2016
    Let's NOT repeat the same mistakes again. Mitch wouldn't have been able to pack the courts with far far right wing judges from scotus to district courts. This is deadly serious. Our planet needs us and we need to get rid of the rights power.

  • Jake - 6 years ago

    Problem is too many ppl pay attention to 1 liners. Not character. Tulsi was head and shoulders above all of them. She’ll get robbed because of money and 1 liners. Research the candidates and avoid the Apprentice Program. She’s the real deal

  • Meine Ehre heißt Treue - 6 years ago

    These associations were only observable for African-American males. >Only 0.1% of Caucasian males carried the 2-repeat allele.

    Aggression-related Gene Weakens Brain's Impulse Control Circuits

    Exploring the association between the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene promoter polymorphism and psychopathic personality traits, arrests, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior
    The 2R was related to arrest, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior.

    >These associations were only observable for African-American males. >Only 0.1% of Caucasian males carried the 2-repeat allele.

    >MAOA genotype modulates default mode network deactivation during inhibitory control
    >It has been demonstrated, in a long line of research, that the low-activity genotype of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene is associated with aggression.

    >The 2-Repeat Allele of the MAOA Gene Confers an Increased Risk for Shooting and Stabbing Behaviors


    >Perception of Caucasian and African faces in 5- to 9-month-old Caucasian infants: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study

    >Race is an important perceptual cue for face perception. In adults, other-race faces are elaborated differently and remembered less well than own-race faces. Moreover, they show a different pattern of activation at the neural level. Developmental studies demonstrated that, during the first year of life, infants start to show the same behavioral pattern as adults in race perception. Specifically, a group of 5-month-old and a group of 9-month-old Caucasian infants were assessed during passing-viewing of Caucasian and African faces. Results showed a greater activation for African than for Caucasian faces for both oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin. Moreover, results suggested a tendency for a progressive specialization between 5 and 9 months of age. This is the first fNIRS study investigating the neural correlates of race perception in Caucasian infants during the first year of life.

    >Other race effect on amygdala response during affective facial processing in major depression
    >Increased amygdala responses associated with the other race effect were evident in both individuals with major depression and in healthy participants. Increased amygdala responses with the other race effect is a potential confound of the neural correlates of facial processing in healthy participants and in mental health disorders.

  • Anon - 6 years ago

    The Orange Faggot is crashing and burning

  • Jan Douglas - 6 years ago

    I was going to say Castro, and he was good. But now I’ve had time to actually evaluate their answers to reality, I think I’m going to say Beto. He’s progressive but realistic. I don’t think he was comfortable on stage though. He may be just too nice/polite. Disliked de Blasio and Inslee because they were rude, and the women need to lean in. They wouldn’t have a chance against Trump.

  • Laura Scarborough - 6 years ago

    My top three was Warren, Booker, Castro. Warren stood out the most, personable, knowledgeable and relatable

  • Janice - 6 years ago

    Elizabeth Warren won. Smart, concise, thought out policy answers.

  • William - 6 years ago

    Tulsi was GREAT! Liz is an arms dealer in disguise. Tulsi called out the WAR machine and shut down the ignorant ryan. Sry Liz I am Tulsi or Green Party 2020

  • Jay - 6 years ago

    Warren was the winner. She was concise, policy driven and full of compassion.

  • joan - 6 years ago

    Tulsi refreshingly gets it on endless war and regime change. Her telling the truth is exactly why she is constantly the target of a coordinated smear machine online and in the media.

  • Jake - 6 years ago

    Warren looks ready. Methinks Tulsi has a good social media vote team, because I can't see how she would have won tonight.

  • Virginia Wheaton - 6 years ago

    Still #AllInForWarren

  • Lance - 6 years ago

    Warren knows what the country needs to unite and thrive. I hope the country knows it needs her.

  • Cat - 6 years ago

    Liz was succinct, informative and thoughtful with no wasted words. She is consistently on fire and getting hotter.

  • Amy Smith - 6 years ago

    Warren brought her A game. Castro is dynamite and amazing.

  • Daniel Zoller - 6 years ago

    Warren was well prepared and substsntive.

  • Steve - 6 years ago

    Strong and decisive. Polite.

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