Yes! Who lets a cult leader and rapist go on the say so of a pathetic piece of crap like Harmony. Not to mention she wasn't even there so she couldn't have drugged Sam. Oh yeah and In a Hospital Corridor for cripes sake. What police force doesn't take the suspect to jail for questioning before letting him go. This is a Farce and I for one am Soooo over it!!
Dragonfly - 6 years ago
Harmony may have plead guilty to drugging Sam but Shilo still should have had a boatload of other charges against him. Never should have walked.
grace - 6 years ago
Please don't drag nell and archer storyline for to long let's put this whole story to rest.
Lisa - 6 years ago
Getting Harmony to take the fall for him was a Shilo signature move. I hope she realizes he is going to leave her in there. He wants Sam or Willow to be his wife. It doesn't matter that they are disgusted by him.
Yes! Who lets a cult leader and rapist go on the say so of a pathetic piece of crap like Harmony. Not to mention she wasn't even there so she couldn't have drugged Sam. Oh yeah and In a Hospital Corridor for cripes sake. What police force doesn't take the suspect to jail for questioning before letting him go. This is a Farce and I for one am Soooo over it!!
Harmony may have plead guilty to drugging Sam but Shilo still should have had a boatload of other charges against him. Never should have walked.
Please don't drag nell and archer storyline for to long let's put this whole story to rest.
Getting Harmony to take the fall for him was a Shilo signature move. I hope she realizes he is going to leave her in there. He wants Sam or Willow to be his wife. It doesn't matter that they are disgusted by him.
He need to be in jail