Are you shocked Shiloh walked free?


  • Sharon Jesse - 6 years ago

    Yes! Who lets a cult leader and rapist go on the say so of a pathetic piece of crap like Harmony. Not to mention she wasn't even there so she couldn't have drugged Sam. Oh yeah and In a Hospital Corridor for cripes sake. What police force doesn't take the suspect to jail for questioning before letting him go. This is a Farce and I for one am Soooo over it!!

  • Dragonfly - 6 years ago

    Harmony may have plead guilty to drugging Sam but Shilo still should have had a boatload of other charges against him. Never should have walked.

  • grace - 6 years ago

    Please don't drag nell and archer storyline for to long let's put this whole story to rest.

  • Lisa - 6 years ago

    Getting Harmony to take the fall for him was a Shilo signature move. I hope she realizes he is going to leave her in there. He wants Sam or Willow to be his wife. It doesn't matter that they are disgusted by him.

  • Dora Trigo - 6 years ago

    He need to be in jail

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