Do you invest time into your love life as much as you do your work life?


  • Alicia - 6 years ago

    I don't have a love life and as soon as I clock out I am not trying to hang out with those MFs. My coworker stay trying to set up a play date with our kids or plan a trip together.

  • Iman - 6 years ago

    We’ve been married for 11 years and this year there have been a lot of changes and challenges. So much was happening that we both forgot our anniversary. It made me really sad and we both had to stop and really talk about it. This year we took and have trips planned. But we realized we can’t just wait for those moments to slow down and connect with each other. Being in a relationship doesn’t have to be hard, but add kids and everyday life you often have to remind yourself to make a conscious effort

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