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Total Votes: 613

  • Gordon Arnold - 5 years ago

    Bernie Sanders you know the dream of the American citizen is the go-to college have a home have a fence around it get married have children to do this you must work hard and if you don't work hard you will not get to achieve your dream what you are opposing for free college what are these people is Ludacris because if they don't pay for it themselves they will not appreciate it all they would do is slide through college and then the degrees ain't going to be worth a crap just like a high school diploma because we're going to just give them degrees and they're going to get it for free yeah I'm married I have two children I have a home with a fence around it and a pool I am white I'm not white privilege I came from a broken home was a mother on welfare and food stamps my entire life I have five siblings not one of them siblings have their family on welfare or food stamps three of us made it to one minute full ride scholarships the other to me and my other siblings are still paying for our college the other three got into the skilled trades and they're working none of us are white privilege that you would call us we could sit ourselves no class but what we need is for people to start getting on the American citizens and making them know they have to work hard to achieve their dreams not float through school not everybody is a winner everybody is created equally everybody regardless just in town has the same opportunity you may say they don't you may say the white people to have a better opportunity than the black to get on the black boat to Black American but if you talk to him and if they're serious and they're working and they're getting their home and they're cheering their dreams they work side-by-side with me they make the same as I make you know why because they work for it they didn't want it for free welfare come around in generations after generations lived on welfare because it was free money free food stamps for healthcare they fear that was a right they ain't right schooling education is not a right it's a privilege healthcare is a privilege and to say that I left an American Mexican American chinese-american don't have the same right as a white person when you fill out that loan paper it does not ask you your nationality or your skin color all I ask for is your birthday social security and your name they do a credit check if you worked hard and you pay your bills and if you have even a decent credit score not 670-705-5026 50 you will get a loan for your home you pay your home and you pay your student that you get them down that's when you get a loan for a car you don't sit home eat potato chips drink pop and let Bernie Sanders aoc and Omar come until you get free college and free healthcare and free this because it's not free and you know it I happened to learn in high school all the way through school that when you put 10% of your earnings into a savings account and don't touch it and don't even realize it is there you will earn money it will grow when you buy stocks and dividends and CDs as you go that's what I did that's how I earn a little bit of money I don't have thousands of dollars in the bank I don't have enough to retire but my two children know this and they're doing there probably will be able to retire what's a lump sum I'll have some money in there but if you text it because it's true Wall Street I will lose it and I will go broke and will not have anything to live on because you want to give it to the freeloaders and the illegal immigrants stop lying stop trying to get stuff for free cuz nothing is free in the working American citizens do not want to pay for this crap. I've been a Democrat for 50 years now I have to become a Republican and vote for 45 because we do not have any Democrats that teach the truth about American do not treat teach American history change the constitutional we have more legal immigrants I want the right way that can read you the Constitution frontward and backward better tha

  • Carrol Mayhood - 5 years ago

    Do my 2 grandsons, who both graduated in the past 2 yrs DEBT FREE from a 4 yr public institution get a refund of the tuition they paid? FYI: They both worked, part time during school terms and full time during the summers, while attending the university

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