Most composed and collected, yet extremely knowledgeable. My choice for a perfect ticket would be Pete for President and Kamala for VP. Male/female.....Black/White.....Gay/Straight.....Two ideal candidates.
Peter Tatiner - 6 years ago
Yang, who spoke for all of two minutes, finished second? Utter balls.
Thomas Paine - 6 years ago
Yang was the only candidate to adhere to the rules regarding time constraints and 'not interrupting' - by normal debate standards, he won and most of the rest were disqualified. Harris and Gillebrand outright STOLE the other candidate's minutes from them to grandstand, Harris complaining about 'being the little girl bused to school' - turns out she was hardly a ghetto kid; both parents were professionals and she grew up in Berkeley and Canada. Her education seems stellar considering her complaints. She was prosecutorial, not presidential.
I wanted to hear more from Yang, who has truly novel and well thought out ideas for our future AI and robotic job apocalypse. The moderators of this debacle (not debate) were horrific. Time to give a do-over to the candidates that were shortchanged and leave the Grandpas at home.
luna lovegood - 6 years ago
Yang does indeed have a big internet presence. I agree that Williamson is eccentric. But she hit some great points that could help the others.
Alden Rosbrook - 6 years ago
KH looks strong enough to wip the Dumpster Trumpster
Most composed and collected, yet extremely knowledgeable. My choice for a perfect ticket would be Pete for President and Kamala for VP. Male/female.....Black/White.....Gay/Straight.....Two ideal candidates.
Yang, who spoke for all of two minutes, finished second? Utter balls.
Yang was the only candidate to adhere to the rules regarding time constraints and 'not interrupting' - by normal debate standards, he won and most of the rest were disqualified. Harris and Gillebrand outright STOLE the other candidate's minutes from them to grandstand, Harris complaining about 'being the little girl bused to school' - turns out she was hardly a ghetto kid; both parents were professionals and she grew up in Berkeley and Canada. Her education seems stellar considering her complaints. She was prosecutorial, not presidential.
I wanted to hear more from Yang, who has truly novel and well thought out ideas for our future AI and robotic job apocalypse. The moderators of this debacle (not debate) were horrific. Time to give a do-over to the candidates that were shortchanged and leave the Grandpas at home.
Yang does indeed have a big internet presence. I agree that Williamson is eccentric. But she hit some great points that could help the others.
KH looks strong enough to wip the Dumpster Trumpster
Marianne Williamson was the most entertaining
Harris Biden and Sanders all did a good job