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Since the market meltdown began, how often have you checked the value of your retirement savings? (Poll Closed)


  • Sophie - 16 years ago

    I checked 'not at all'
    because I haven't got any,
    From now on, any money I have left over after I feed myself ia going in a shoebox under the bed.

  • James - 16 years ago

    Relax. Take a deep breath. Hey, take two, they're free. We're all in the same predicament. I look forward to the" joy of frugality" issue. Maybe it's about time we appreciated the really important, simple pleasures life offers us. Let's slow things down a bit, take stock, reflect..
    I look at what my parents went through, the Depression, WWII, we've had it easy compared to pretty much anyone of any generation on any corner of the globe. We've taken, taken and taken some more, crapping all over the planet in the process. Enough already.

  • mesa joe - 16 years ago

    I disagree with Paul about the smartass comment. Too many of these polls are just to support one side of a position. For example, every hockey (or baseball or football or whatever sport) there is a question at the beginning of the season with a response choice of going all the way, making the playoffs or maybe next year. I would like the smartass response included - who cares. It would be a good indication of the real support from the community and not just the hyped support from a media outlet that does it for the advertising revenue. For all you sports fans, of which I'm one for certain sports, it was an easy example, so please don't get too upset and stick to the point of the value of a smartass answer.

  • paul - 16 years ago

    i marked not at all because im not set up to check electronicaly yet interesting survey subject why put smartass words in my mouth for my answer? its annoying

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