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How often do you visit downtown London?

Total Votes: 2,620

  • M. Strong - 5 years ago

    EB Long. Why are they spending so much money on downtown? Check who owns the properties. That will tell you all you need to know!

  • TH - 5 years ago

    There is nothing to go downtown for unless you want Expensive bars & fast food junk! With all of the great unwashed roaming around begging,doped-up streeters, WHO NEEDS IT?????You can get everything you need in the burbs with No Hassle! London will implode on its self one day with its big city ways and small minded city hall. Nothing has changed there in decades,councellors come and go & try to make there self importance mark! same shit different day! The traffic congestion in this city is to the ninth degree with city hall trying to run a big city like a small village! They need to be proactive and not reactive to the growth if they want to survive? BRT... What a joke! heres a perfect example of the small minded morons at city hall. This is a cheap bandage for a real big problem from the past and will NOT fix congestion! you watch??? good luck with that!

  • E B Long - 5 years ago

    It’s unfortunate that the City is spending a lot of money to put a new face on downtown London when most residence won’t go near there. Gives credence to the old saying about putting lipstick on a pig. The malls have taken over primarily because of free parking and you don’t have anybody hitting on you for money..

  • Joann Clare Eastman - 5 years ago

    I walk downtown regularly so parking is not a problem for me. Yesterday July 26 I was using the ATM machine at CIBC. A man came in and watched me take money out. He then followed me to McDonalds. This did make me feel uncomfortable. I will always be mindful of my surrounding but I am a downtown girl so I will keep going. I lived in Toronto 27 years and never saw this much homeless people.. There has to be more policing they should not be sleeping in doorways. Thankyou

  • Michael Hunt - 5 years ago

    You couldn’t pay me to go down to that s***h***. Drugged out street people. hookers, zombies sleeping in doorways, the stink of urine and feces, extortionist parking fees, and tent city along the river. Looks more like LA every day. Just a sign of a sick city and country! If I owned a business in downtown London, I’d be out of there in a hurry. Hey, what do you expect with a city full of NDP and Liberal politicians. Young Londoners, there is your future, enjoy the ride!

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