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What does "canceled" mean to you?

Total Votes: 69

  • LaLaJen - 5 years ago

    Hey Rod & Karen! Just wanted to respond to the article about black women being introverts. I never thought about it but it’s so true! In my office I’m one if four black women. I don’t speak to too many people here and keep to myself. My boss always feels the need to check in and ask if I’m okay because I don’t seem like my jolly self. I asked him point blank what I am doing different. He couldn’t tell me!

    I also wanted to say Rod is totally right about how the expectations are different for white folks. For example, I work in a office full of cubicles and standard office equipment. My co-worker (a white woman) sits in a lazy boy to help w/ her poor circulation in her legs. Now I’m not saying she doesn’t have issues w/ her legs but she also rides horses and has no issues driving. All I’m saying is my black ass could neva!!!

  • Starbarr2000 - 5 years ago

    I think being canceled for most people means the person/brand should no longer have a career but because of internet culture there are so many things that make "cancellation" temporary. Our attention spans are much shorter; there's a new buzz worthy phenomenon happening every 30 seconds. Also there's no longer a mysterious powers that be who determine who gets to be successful and who gets black balled like in the 90s before the internet. And let's not forget that if you're super talented and possess the ability to make money for people you can't possibly have the complexity to also be a heinous human being who deserves repercussions of your terrible actions... All in all i agree with Karen's sentiment that nobody get's canceled. Instead of calling it cancel culture it should be more accurately branded as raincheck culture.

  • Michelle - 5 years ago

    I think cancelled should be a combination of going away for a while and not having a career depending on the severity of the offense. If it is bad enough then they should have to find a new career. So, I'm not saying they can't make money. I just think they should have to make it another way.

  • Alicia - 5 years ago

    Im gonna go out on a limb here and say Nate Parker was media trained by Mathew Knowles.

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