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Have you ever had a Pumpkin Spiced Latte?

Total Votes: 89

  • Allegr - 5 years ago

    I am a former barista and I got excited ever year when PSL season came around. I mean come on, pumpkin, spices, steamed frothy milk with a hint of espresso, how can you say no. Because I was a bit lactose intolerant, I found that having it Brevé (made with half & half instead whole milk) made it that much creamier and warm and fuzzy.

  • Kemdoc - 5 years ago

    I can’t do candles that smell like delicious foods like apple pie, vanilla, cakes, pumpkin. It turns my stomach but I know tons of people that love those scents. I’m more of a peach, lemon type but I liked hearing that y’all set the fall scents out in your place!

  • Iman - 5 years ago

    I tried my sister’s PSL once. It wasn’t good. But I only make fun of you Rod and my Husband for drinking them. It’s funny *shrugs*.
    If I’m getting a spiced drink I prefer a Chai Latte, Turmeric Latte, or Cardamom tea latte.

  • BrooklynShoeBabe - 5 years ago

    Fuck yes and I love them . I also live yoga pants, infinity scarves and UGGs. Fight me. Lol.

  • Raven - 5 years ago

    I resisted trying it for the longest time because of its reputation as the drink for basic bi*ches but I got curious one day and decided to get one. Well now you can call me the queen of basic bi*ches because I love the PSL. It’s my favorite part of fall.

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