HAUGHT OR NAUGHT: Is H&M simply embracing kinky-curly hair or did they neglect this child?


  • Terry Long - 5 years ago

    When I looked at her photos, all I saw was a cute little girl modeling a sweatshirt.
    Then there’s the comments about her hair. There’s nothing wrong with her hair. You guys are so use to weaves. Slick down or braids that when you see the real thing it ugly to you. Her hair is non-permed, uneven and when humidity hits it, it curls up. Nine times out of ten it was just brushed. I know, my daughter hair was exactly like that when she was small. It looked like I never combed it or brushed it. It’s a battle trying to keep it neat.
    People leave that child hair alone. You just made her self-conscious because her hair is not up to society’s standards.

  • Terry Long - 5 years ago

    When I looked at her photos, all I saw was a cute little girl modeling a sweatshirt.
    Then there’s the comments about her hair. There’s nothing wrong with her hair. You guys are so use to weaves. Slick down or braids that when you see the real thing it ugly to you. Her hair is non-permed, uneven and when humidity hits it, it curls up. Nine times out of ten it was just brushed. I know, my daughter hair was exactly like that when she was small. It looked like I never combed it or brushed it. It’s a battle trying to keep it neat.
    People leave that child hair alone. You just made her self-conscious because her hair is not up to society’s standards.

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