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Are you getting a new Tesla Model 3 key fob?

Total Votes: 7,977

  • Nav - 3 years ago

    I park my car on the drive, and its close enough that if i sit in my front room it unlocks the car. Keyfob is a good idea as you can keep it in a pouch, but better still, if there was an option to turn passive entry off and use the fob in the traditional way.

  • Andrew - 5 years ago

    I'll keep using my phone. It has never failed to unlock my car and now I carry around no keys.

  • Terence Conklin - 5 years ago

    I sure will since I don’t carry a phone...yes, really!

  • Doug - 5 years ago

    Can I trade in the old one that I bought earlier this year?

  • James - 5 years ago

    Wonder if this is the best way to handle valet parking?

  • Pablo - 5 years ago

    Keyfob is very useful for loaning to my parents for a while, as they are not so techy to use phone apps or the card. A more traditional key will help them while using my car

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