Do you experience symptoms of Migraine postdrome? Which ones?


  • Amy - 2 years ago

    As others have commented, you ask which ‘ones’ for the poll, but yet you only allow us to choose ONE symptom. So until this is corrected, your results won’t be a true reflection of what people are experiencing. It would be great information to know and share with specialists and providers for future research and treatment trials. Plus the potential benefit for us as patients knowing we aren’t alone in our experiences.

  • Michelle Hunt - 2 years ago

    Hangover is the very term I have used before. More recently I have suffered from muscle weakness afterward. I liken it to the feeling after an extreme workout. My arms and legs feel like Jell-O. It usually last 1-2 days after my 72 hr episode.

  • Lizzy - 2 years ago

    It feels like I have a concussion. It lasts for several days and even after that, in fact always, I feel kind of out of it till the next attack. I never feel normal.

  • Susan - 5 years ago

    For years I described the feeling the day after a migraine as bruised. I have only recently become aware of the postdrome phase. I rarely have had an alcohol hangover, but this sensation is very much a migraine leftover.
    It has been helpful to become more educated.
    (Spelling may be weird. I cannot see very clearly. I am still under the influence.)

  • Lorna - 5 years ago

    Most of the choices occur for me, but the vote didn't allow for multiple answers.

  • Carrie - 5 years ago

    I feel like my brain is bruised after a migraine. I call it my ghost headache. It's not intense pain, just the whole brain aches.

  • E B - 5 years ago

    Your poll didn't allow more than one choice.

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