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What data sharing issues did you experience in your 2019 provider visits? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 174

  • Half-Wit - 4 years ago

    Went in for a GI procedure yesterday with GI specialists who are part of the same health system (and shared EHR) as my PCP and Diabetes Clinic. They asked the same "usual" questions on intake (height, weight, allergies, meds, etc,), which are all documented in the EHR. When I met with the GI specialist, she asked how I was doing with my diabetes management, and whether I was seeing someone within their health system for this purpose. I told her I was doing quite well, with Hgb A1C levels below 7 for the past 4 years, thanks to my insulin pump, and was being managed by the PCP and endocrinology group. She suddenly realized she could have already known all of this information, and stated "I guess I could have reviewed all of this in the EHR." I later told my husband that this is one of those moments when I felt that the entire 35 yr of my healthcare IT career (all of them related to clinical EHR design and implementation) were a total waste of time.Collapse

  • HISJunkie - 4 years ago

    Moved out of state. New primary doc, had MyChart before so I downloaded to thumb drive and also printed hard copy. Went to new doc's office and handed them the thumb drive. They use Alscripts. Nurse said we can't use that (thumb drive). I handed her hard copy. When doc came in he asked me all same questions. If he drilled down for more info I said "see page xx". He did not like that. Weeks after visit I accessed my Alscripts elec rec via their patient portal, at best only half of the info from previous chart was in there.

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