Do you prefer the non-judgemental Rod?


  • SuavyP - 5 years ago

    Da Fuq is Dis??!!

    Stop it!! Stop it Right Now, This is Stupid!!

  • MizzBarnes72 - 5 years ago

    (In my black mother voice)

    Say you're not going to more time.....ONE MORE TIME!!!!!

  • Iman - 5 years ago

    I miss the old Rod-nye
    The judgmental petty Rod-nye
    Straight for ya throat Rod-nye
    Yo man f this new Rod-nye
    If only we could love Rod-nye like Rod-nye loves Rod-nye
    * * * *

    Judge on brotha judge on!!

  • BrooklynShoeBabe - 5 years ago

    I'm in it for the judging. Please judge away

  • Alica - 5 years ago

    This is The Black Guy Who Tips!!!! in other words, The Black Guy Who Gives His 2 Cents!!!

  • Tyrone M - 5 years ago

    This Centrist Guy Who Tips is not my favorite. BOOOOOOOOO

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