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Who Won Tonight's Democratic Debate?

Total Votes: 10,548

  • Yin to your yang - 5 years ago

    Yang's website says nothing about applying the VAT to rich people only. Of that's your intention, why not just tax rich people directly. A VAT would allow the Republicans to swoop in and modify the rules so it hits poor people. Don't even try to tell me they won't do it. Plus the math doesn't add up. You can't just pay everyone money. It sounds great, but until we tax the automation itself to pay for it... It will remain a pipe dream.
    Let's focus on getting what we need to thrive and build the new jobs of the future and educate everyone, before we go giving everyone more money for drugs and Netflix.

  • Luis Diaz - 5 years ago

    Isn't it best to implement universal basic income early BEFORE automation decimates jobs and the resulting unemployment causes massive issues? The other option is to implement "free money" too late which would be much more expensive.

  • Recently Registered Republican - 5 years ago

    If it weren’t for Yang’s horrible free money policy, the guy might actually be able to swing my vote (and I’m sure other votes as well) his way. I don’t think he won the debate, as far as the political soap opera ratings are concerned. I will give him a notch in his belt for resilience, and consistency—among others such as: actually representing the base as opposed to an ideology, not piercing everyone’s eardrums with shrill cries of "wealthy people do not have a say in democracy", and willing to engage with a top-tier political adversary—as a guest—on topics political of course, but also relating on a level of humanity with his fellow American. It’s far easier to cast a vote in this poll if asked, "Who Lost Tonight’s Democratic Debate?" and the poll still shows us that. Warren got clobbered, and it is well deserved. I agree with most Americans that the election should not be decided be a select few elite in some fairy-tale smoke-filled cellar scenario, however; to say that wealthy Americans are not entitled to their vote because of their success is anti-democratic, and anti-American. Nothing was more fulfilling to hear come from that debate than to hear Pete Buttigieg knock Faukahantas off the counterfeit totem pole she stands upon. She herself has lined her pockets with false-victimhood to millionaire status, and has chosen to quite literally vilify the American Dream of success. If Yang were seize the Democratic nomination, it would be the ideal contest in my opinion, in that if Trump didn’t win I wouldn’t view the future of America as we know it in such a bleak lens. If you really want to drive out the Trump base, leading to similar results as the recent Tory/Labour blowout in the United Kingdom election, push radicals such as Warren, Sanders and Buttigieg to the pulpit.

  • Charli - 5 years ago

    Yang did the best. All substance didnt get baited into the bickering! This is how we move America forward by voting for people that dont play into the media, and the childish behavior of our current politicians.
    We need need new blood or we are not going to change anything.

  • Deco - 5 years ago

    NO WAY ONLY bernie Sanders vote IS the best president U.S.2020

  • #Logic - 5 years ago

    This poll and the comments that follow are simply by Republican trolls trying to interfere like their Russian puppet of a president.

  • Mary Mclain - 5 years ago

    When Bernie said at the end of the night was very important.. if you look in history.. all thing worth having have come from bottom up .. never from the top down.. they already have it.. we are worth it, we are enough!! We deserve to have our fair share of the pie..Just like anyone else.. not a thing wrong that that.. I’m for Bernie because he tell the truth.. and the also can admit when hes wrong.. vote Berne for president!!

  • Connie Pazaras - 5 years ago

    Bernie is way out ahead when it comes to environmental issues and economic policy, leaves the others in the dust.

  • Alvayez N Love - 5 years ago

    Yo, why am I able to vote multiple times? No wonder Yang is ahead right now. #YangMath

  • Victoria - 5 years ago

    Senator Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who consistently represents the issues that concern me. He is the only candidate who earns my utmost respect, my volunteerism, my donations, and my vote in the primary and in the general election.

  • Elizabeth O'Nan - 5 years ago

    Bernie can win this election and represents the best possible leader for our country. Yang is charming and wants to help but lacks the experience needed. Yang might make a good option for Bernie's cabinet.

  • Rob Tullis - 5 years ago

    @Bots aren't votes - Nice way to say a lot and not actually say anything. Please explain how you think Yang's MATH is wrong, and why you believe a VAT tax on luxury items is going to make the cost of everything go up?

    Yang's proposed VAT is 10% on luxury items... At best, the prices of these goods rises by 10% to pass the VAT onto the consumer. So that $200 TV (how many of these do you buy in a year) becomes $220. OH NO, NOT $20!! HOW WILL I LIVE! Wait, I'm getting an extra $1000 A MONTH.

    You would have to blow through $10,000 a month for the FD to be unhelpful to you. And if you are spending $10K a month on LUXURY items, you aren't the kind of person Andrew Yang is trying to help.

  • kay smith - 5 years ago

    This debate shifted my interest to Andrew Yang. He needs more attention!

  • Bots aren't votes - 5 years ago

    Nicely rigged poll here. Yang's math doesn't even add up but boy do people think getting $1k a month is somehow going to save you when the cost of goods is just going to go up with a VAT tax. Lovely intelligence you have, NOT! Yang is a Trojan horse. If you can't see that you need glasses.

  • Eric Parker - 5 years ago

    Yang answers questions directly and avoids all the childish bickering that does nothing to actually address real issues. He does more with half the time (a consistent theme throughout the debates). I’ve seen many questions about paying for his plans. His website spells things out in great detail and is a great source of information for all those that are genuinely curious. Many of the same questions and concerns have been repeated his entire campaign. His site addresses the ones I see most frequently. Succinct and informative. The information is free of vague platitudes and self-indulgent bloviating.

    The United States is collectively crazy if they don’t, at the very least, give Yang a look as a serious viable candidate. He is solution-oriented, pragmatic and free of ideological rhetoric. He’s a unifier of people and a positive force in the 2020 election cycle with over 150 detailed policies laid out. He’s not the president we deserve but he’s definitely the one we need.

  • tobias - 5 years ago

    The traditional landline polls (I can't believe in 2019 people still actually use landlines, but I digress...) and informal online polls are polar opposites, but a larger swath of young voters will be key in the battleground states for sure. As we have seen in the polls leading up 2016, they weren't so very accurate.

    Yang is definitely someone to watch and as we have been exposed to some of the signs of old age in Biden (his severe stuttering, an early sign of stroke, was very sad to witness), Sanders' recent heart attack, and Warren's Pocahontas gaffe, (I won't mention Buttigieg because he has very little support from Hispanics and Blacks and even the LGBTQ community), Yang seems to be the only breath of fresh air albeit too green but the same could be said for Obama or Trump.

    What is certain is that Obama was the outlier in 2009, but he ran against more established McCain and Romney (and Clinton) and won. Trump was the outlier in 2016 after running against HRC and stunned the nation and the world. We can all whine and repeat that HRC won the popular vote, but that does absolutely nothing. The electoral vote ultimately determines the outcome. And the 2016 outcome awarded the presidency to another even greener (and meaner) outlier. Many of the Trump voters (apart from the cultish fanatics) do not care about him nor respect him, but voted for him because he represented their rage when things did not work out for the rest of America. Trump represents the disruption to the system. That is exactly what we are up against and so we must vote accordingly to push the best candidate who will disrupt the system for all of us. As last night's debate has shown, the only disruptors with mass appeal are Sanders or Yang.

  • to "Reality check" - 5 years ago

    Have you ever heard of rich spenders? Shaking my head at your ignorance...

  • Rigging polls - 5 years ago

    If yang can rig the election as good as he rigged this poll he might just win. I wonder if he can rig Congress to pass some bills too.

  • Response to Reality Check - 5 years ago

    You say this would hit the lower class hardest, but the things that will be mostly taxed are things like yachts. It's a tax on luxury items, usually, lower-class citizens are just trying to survive, so I don't think they are too worried about these luxury items.

    Most of my family is below poverty and/or lower-class and they really just want to be able to afford food, diapers, ect.

  • Rob Tullis - 5 years ago

    @Reality check - If you look at Yang's website, you will see that he doesn't want to apply a VAT to regular, everyday goods like food and necessities. The VAT would apply to luxury items. I don't know any poor people buying yachts. They would pay VAT on those big screen TVs though.

    The VAT is a successful tax structure in multiple other 1st world countries. A wealth tax is not... it has failed many times in many countries.

  • Reality check - 5 years ago

    The problem with paying everyone 1k bucks is that he wants to pay for it with a VAT tax on goods. So you basically pay for it out of it... You pay a tax on that mostly will hit the lower classes. It's not smart. For a guy who likes math, it doesn't even add up. You can't pay everyone 1k a month and then tax them to pay for it. What kind of fantasy land is yang living in?

  • Rob Tullis - 5 years ago

    Andrew Yang is the only one that is making sense and talking real solutions in the little bit of time he gets to talk. I have watched the last 3 debates and it is the fact that it seems nobody is giving him speaking time that got me interested in checking him out.

    The other candidates keep going on and on about how they would be the best option to beat Trump, but then have basic ideas on what to do once they are in office. Warren keeps going on and on about a 'wealth tax', trying to tax people on their worth. Does she not know rich people are good at hiding money and investments around the globe? Yang's idea of a VAT is the best way to make sure you can't hide from paying your fair share of the taxes. And yes, a VAT would be regressive... but it becomes progressive when you factor in his Freedom Dividend.

    Bernie has great ideas, and I was following him during the 2016 election. But his idea of a FJG is looking worse in the face of Yang's FD.

    "We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them." Andrew Yang is talking SOLUTIONS that make sense.

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