Who is telling the truth?


  • LaKeta Chism-Williams - 5 years ago

    Im seeing people say they'll vote for Bernie or nobody & I'm scared. JL was right in his first podcast; it won't tear *their* lives apart, so they DON'T CARE. It's a fun game. I'm counting on the hope that they're just internet crazies. God (or the Universe, or the giant pancake in the sky) help us all.

  • Billy M - 5 years ago

    What Bernie probably said was something like "there's a huge portion of America, both democrat and republican, that is only comfortable with seeing a white man as president, and i don't know if running a woman right now is a good idea." And that somehow got translated to "a woman can't win". And honestly, there's some truth into what he probably said.

  • Sofa King - 5 years ago

    Man, I voted on this poll, sight unseen, before I had caught up on the day's news, or even listened to the podcast. My kneejerk reaction on seeing the poll was, "That nigga probably lyin'."

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