Are you planning on having sex in 2020?


  • STEPHON EDMOND - 5 years ago

    To be honest I have been ghosted on so many times. This year I don't think I will be having sex. Now did I vote yes in the poll? Yes I did. Because I do plan on having sex. But like all plans they usually take longer than expected and don't always go as planned. love y'all.

  • BrooklynShoeBabe - 5 years ago

    See, what had happened boyfriend and I broke up in June in an ugly way. He's a narc and I got discarded. I'm in a healing mode. Sex WOULD BE REALLY NICE, but I'm not planning on getting any. If I happen upon some sex, it would be really nice. Lol. I'm just not in an emotional place to develop any type of relationship for sex and I've never really been the Tinder hook up person. ...

    So, my copay for this therapy session will be in the mail. Lol.

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