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Who Won Tonight's Democratic Debate?

Total Votes: 7,974

  • Jon - 5 years ago

    Warren won in my opinion. Pete was next.

    I think Bloomberg and Biden should both drop out. Amy and Bernie were okay...

    I don't think Amy would stand a chance in debates with DT....she almost started crying at accusations in this debate, and I have doubts that she'd stand to DT, even though I do think she's a better person than him. She's the most human candidate I've ever seen, but unfortunately, that's not gonna win an election.

    Buttigieg or Warren would be the strongest debaters against Trump, and I think either of them would have a good chance of winning.

    Bernie has a cult of loud followers, but if he wins the ticket, Democrats will surely lose the election....moderates and independent voters will likely not support him, and that's what Dem's need to win. If he's the nominee, I likely won't vote in 2020.

    I would, however, support any ticket with Buttigieg or Warren for president, and Kloubuchar I think would make a great VP.

    I think Pete is most presidential, but Elizabeth is the strongest debater because she seems the most astute.

  • Zenon - 5 years ago

    I am a Bernie supporter, but sen.Warren was clearly in an attack mode. She tore into Bloomberg. Reminded me of some of her earlier debates. But when the dust settles it will be sen. Sanders.

  • Emmett Parker - 5 years ago

    The Winner was Donald J Trump. This was sad night and NBC should be kicked because they let this become a wrestling match. 2 hours of debate time and they cut each other up and people at home believe lies before they will look for the Truth. Warren would make a great fill in for Jerry Springer. And only 1 person said anything about the unlawful man that needs a contender come November.

  • Cynthia Clayton - 5 years ago

    Let's be honest. I am a long time democrat that recently switched parties when I found God. I watched this debate like my old self a Union raised chreaster Catholic Connecticut liberal. Now I live in central PA and my vote counts more than others in the nation. My order: 1. Biden ( finished strong through heckling and was completely on point even when he stumbled over a few words), 2. Amy ? She showed intelligence, fight, heart, and common sense. Surprisingly likeable and well spoken. But I still have no idea what her last name is or where she came from. 3. Lizzy aka Pochantas, she placed third because she whines all the time. She was a fighter, on point, and had some facts. But she did not sell herself well enough or keep composure. I gave her third because she knocked Mike out. 4. Bernie. Same old stuff. Free stuff no way to pay for it. Under his plan Venezula looks successful. But we all no it's not. But he is honest, true to his convictions and tall. According to history the third makes him electable. 5. Another tough choice as the last three were awful. But Petey would be next. Rehash of Obama lots and lots of intelligent pointless speaking. Unlike Obama though no charisma and very rude to women. Unacceptable behavior in treating Amy like a punching bag when he is known also for being terrible to minorities now women as well. 6. Little Mikey clearly failed to connect at all with voters. His Botoxed plastic face was creepy at best. His paid heckler failed at stumping Biden. He had no apologies or answers for the horrible treatment of women, minorities, and homeless people in NYC. He was smug, arrogant, rude, and condescending. Offered no answers, no valid apologies (Liz was so right), no platform, and no grounds to stand on. Answered with hateful character attacks on his opponents because he has no policy expect making himself richer and more powerful and hating Trump who he clearly is jealous of. Overall an odd lot of people. Joe is the only hope for Dems. If Amy was more relevant and recognizable she would be a contender. Joe should team with Amy immediately. I think they are a good match and would be the only hope for the democrats in November. That being said I hope Little Mikey does not cheat Bernster. If you all are smart you will pick a Biden/Amy team. Biden is the only candidate I would consider against Trump. If you want swing states Bernie, Pete, Mike and Lizzy can't win them.

  • Michael - 5 years ago

    I found the poll in a group telling us to vote for Bernie even though almost everyone in the comments said Warren kicked ass tonight. No, there are no bots waiting to take polls but there are pages actively working to sway these results to Bernie even when they agreed she won it. So you are just plain wrong John. Is it so difficult to give her the win?

  • Joe - 5 years ago

    I hear a lot of claming here bitching about Bernie being rich and having 3 houses, bla bla bla. Bloomberg has 60 billion, more than 1000 times Bernie's million. Trump just made it so Bloomberg doesn't need to pay taxes like we have too. A man who makes 2 billion yearly, has no room to even speak about Bernie and his honestly owned wealth. Bloomberg has been named a Chinese asset/agent. Every time he gets interviewed he will not say the dictator of China is a dictator. Every time he is asked he says he isn't a dictator. That's it end of story. He was asked to released his disclosure contracts with all the women who he sexually harassed or what have ya, has excepted his money in exchange of their silence. He refused to release them from the contrast. Bloomberg was so beat down on stage there was nothing left of him as a candidate. Warren came out very string, so much so I was very surprised. She had gusto, and really beat them all down except for Bernie, she tried but we are all sick of her trying to bust down Bernie so it will never work, and she has one foot out the door already because of it. Kloby, now she didn't do so well, and its probably because of all the drama on the stage, that can really cause confusion. Pete, still has way too much to say, and when he is done we find he just didn't say a thing of any matter, just like always, he is a vanilla guy without a plan. Bernie won because he sticks to his message, the same message he has been screaming at congress about for 40 years, I would be grumpy if I were him too. Bernie has a plan, he can beat Trump, and he is leading so far ahead no one can touch him. May as well get aligned with Bernie, he is the strongest candidate, and the only one millions and myself are willing to vote for. Bernie Or Bust 2020

  • John Saucier - 5 years ago

    There are no Bernie bots sitting around waiting to take polls. The reason why Bernie Sanders leads the poll is because his message still resonates better than anyone else on that stage. Yes Elizabeth Warren had a good night, but instead of going all in like Bernie, she is trying to hedge her bets and toy the line of someone that is in Bernie's camp, and someone that is in the middle, like Joe Biden. She is trying to appeal to both, and in doing so she will win neither.

    Even Pete said that Bernie's honest about what he believes. If Warren didn't change her opinion based on polls or what her advisors tell her, she would fair a lot better.

    What did she not win, even having a good night? Because it's hard to know if she is genuine? How can you win a debate when at least some of the people watching you think you are lying?

  • Samantha - 5 years ago

    Hands down, Warren won this debate. Bernie’s followers are cultlike and can’t see this one objectively.

  • Deni Hunter - 5 years ago

    This is why these polls are so meaningless. Warren kicked ass, but Bernie took it all. There’s just no way this is accurate reporting. You might as well spend your time taking the fake IQ quizzes on FB.

  • Areck - 5 years ago

    The nay sayers on this poll clearly missed the point where bernie wants to tax the rich so they pay their fair share, even himself. He became a millionaire because he sold his Our Revolution book in 2016, and his supporters gladly paid him for it, so he is only a millionaire because the people put him there. Anyone can look this up, but people who have no clue what they're talking about will act like being supported by the workers and the majority of America is a bad thing. Get a clue before you make yourself look dumb on the internet.

  • James Wilkinson - 5 years ago

    LOL Bernie bots out in force in this poll. Mister "I have three houses for myself" saying he wants to help the homeless was peak hypocrisy. He looked ridiculous.

  • Shawn - 5 years ago

    Bernie was the most sensible person on the stage tonight. There was a lot of posturing and using key talking points by the other candidates, but Bernie was genuine. Bloomberg was an interesting character there, but he is CLEARLY a self-entitled billionaire.

    As for the socialism comments - do you even know what that word means? We have SOCIAL Security, our roads and emergency services are done by socialist means. The ask is that the rich pay their fair share in tax and those funds be used for the betterment of society - everyone seems to agree with that when it's not labeled.

  • KImberly Crail - 5 years ago

    Bloomberg was just awful. And did anyone else notice that he magically grew 4 inches on the stage? He’s 5’4” and Warren is 5’8” yet they looked the same height.

    Napoleon complex for sure.

    And Pete talks and talks and yet I still can’t work out what he is saying. It’s like a word salad.

  • KImberly Crail - 5 years ago

    Sanders was the clear winner with a nice punch delivered by Warren. Sanders needs to remind voters that he is the only campaign that is 100% grassroots funded. The socialist label has been tossed at every democrat since Truman so labels don’t matter. Working people want a government that works for them, not the oligarchy we have today. The profit motive is seldom the moral high ground.

  • Areck - 5 years ago

    Anyone saying that this was a free for all apparently didn't watch the republican debates in 2016, or they're a republican lying about it.

    I also am guessing the people bemoaning socialism also have no idea what they're talking about as if they watched the whole debate they would have seen what bernie means by democratic socialism. Perhaps actually look up his positions before bloviating about something you don't understand, it makes you look uninformed and possibly a bad faith arguer.

    Bloomberg rightfully lost the debate by far, and is essentially a Republican looking to buy the democratic election so the republican party can control the democratic side as well.

    Warren did really well, and might have actually had a shot at the nominee if she had kept up with actually being a progressive firebrand rather than rolling back her position on medicare for all, like when she attacked sanders on medicare for all when she stumped for the culinary union leaders who clearly don't understand the bill/proposal.

    I like warren and I wanted her to do well, but Bernie did great at letting everyone fight each other and didn't go as negative as everyone else. I bet he would have done even better if they actually let him respond to attacks more.

    Joe was uninspiring but even his dim lightbulb of a campaign looked good against Bloomberg's dumpster fire.

    Buttigeig tried to play the centrist, but even the other nominees see through his fake platitudes and BS at this point, prompting eyerolls from everyone. Klobuchar literally cannot stop going on and on about herself, and no one else cares, and her record actually sucks as Pete kindly pointed out. Both of them are holding their campaigns together with a wet paper bag.

  • Doc Darlin - 5 years ago

    I am once again asking you to cry about it.

  • james cashmon - 5 years ago


  • james cashmon - 5 years ago


  • Ed Hendrick - 5 years ago

    If this is all the Party has to offer, a socialist will be the nominee. Not good for our country.

  • Aaron - 5 years ago

    Not with that attitude! Bernie can and will win. He’s won two states, most of the polls, including this one, and has won a huge following willing to fully support his campaign financially with no super pac corporate donors. He’s the strongest candidate we have. His ideas, the progressive ideas, will win the day.

  • James - 5 years ago

    Who won the debate. Donald Trump if this is what the Democrats have to offer. I am backing Bloomberg in the primary but this debate scares me how out of touch the Democrats are.

  • Miriam - 5 years ago

    As a Bernie voter I'm not ashamed to say Warren won this debate and anyone who claims otherwise is not judging the debate.

  • Sharon Mortell - 5 years ago

    Not a debate. Free for all with no monitor guidance. It looked like a day planned by Trump Bernie can't win and no one else wants it bad enough.

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