Could you quarantine yourself for two weeks if you had to?


  • MizzBarnes72 - 5 years ago

    I am one of the Thankfully fortunate folks that can work from home, however, not everyone has the opportunity to do so. With that being said, as long as the CDC can deliver my groceries, yup, I can stay at the house and chill. Now there is a difference between being told that I cannot leave my house and just deciding that it's too people-ly outside and just stay in the house. If I was told that I cannot leave, the cabin fever will set in at some point.

  • Jane M. - 5 years ago

    LOL! Rod, I was thinking the same about all the “whites don’t wash their hands” jokes. Because we all know all niggas ain’t washing their hands either! They’re just not telling on themselves. Hell, everybody’s fav, LaKeith, had those fine ass pictures floating down the timeline and all people were talking about was how dirty that nigga’s fingernails were!

  • Iman - 5 years ago

    I suppose that’s one good thing about the coronavirus, that people are really getting an idea of how trash our medical and work environments are. I used to be really upset with parents who would send their kids back to school before they were completely well and no longer contagious. But I know everyone isn’t as fortunate as me and can find childcare or take off work to care for their kid. So there’s a lot of people who can’t even take off to care for themselves. The entire system needs to change and I hope this virus shows people that. The way Trump is handling this possible crisis is like he can’t fathom getting it himself, so doesn’t care if anyone else gets it.

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