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Is it time for a larger iMac?

Total Votes: 3,299

  • Anthony - 5 years ago

    If they can make the screen larger without increasing the size or even reducing the footprint great. But we dont need a bigger iMac. There is alot of bezel and chin thought (Typing on my 27" iMac)

  • Scott - 5 years ago

    I think a larger would be nice, not sure what size is ideal. Wider would be good too. If there is a way they could make the computer an attaching module that could then be detached from the screen so you could bring in for repairs easier than lugging the whole thing even better. Though I don’t see that happening.

  • peter - 5 years ago

    It doesn't need to be an iMac, though.

    I'd actually prefer a couple of 27" monitors (I have a dual monitor system now) with a new "Mac Mini Pro"

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