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Should the Conservative government run a federal deficit? (Poll Closed)


  • Terry Conspiracy - 16 years ago

    The plan of action that Sebastian S. recommends, represents what can or should be done "under normal circumstances". The situation facing us now,
    is anything but "normal".
    This global economic crisis, is one that is being deliberately caused by the corporate elite that rule from behind the scenes in America. Acting in the style of Friedman's Chicago School of Economics, their goal for the last 8 years, has been to deliberately destroy the global free market system, by deliberately destroying the US dollar (which represents 50% of all the value in circulating World currency.) I am sure they have a plan for replacing the current system of national currencies tied to national GDP's. & we may get our first glimpse of what that might be when the G20 meets later this month.
    It is my opinion that massive debt, to the point of uncontrollable, is what they are trying to encourage, so I would be voting to take the opposite economic direction as long as we can.
    If the biggest players at the table are going "all in" hand after hand, the best way for Canada to stay in the game, is to anti in, hold onto our chips, & wait for the table to stabilize. I say we make cuts in spending, tighten our belts, & wait it out!

  • Sebastian S. - 16 years ago

    The fact is that the government should run a deficit because this can help correct the financial situation we are currently in. If the government increases expenditures and decreases taxes this can help stimulate the economy. Increasing expenditures gives people work (i.e. building roads, public services etc.) and lowering taxes gives them money which causes them to consume, both of which will help us get out of the recession that it seems we are falling into.

    Herbert hoover made a major mistake when he increased taxes during the great depression in order to avoid a deficit. The result was the worst year of the depression. When Roosevelt took office he instituted his "New Deal" which lowered taxes, increased public services (government expenditures) and re-evaluated the banking system. These changes played a major role in the return to economic stability after the depression.

    This is a very simple, yet important, economic concept that many Canadians (of which I am one) cannot seem to grasp. It is wise for the government to run a deficit during a depression and a surplus in better economic times.

  • Shawn G. - 16 years ago

    All through the most recent election campaign, Harper said that Dion would be running deficits should the Liberals get a minority/ majority government. He basically cited that his government would not run a deficit no matter the circumstances, "just vote Conservative and all will be good" was the premise of his rhetoric. So, less than 2 weeks after we (possibly out of idiocy) vote the Conservatives back into power, they are saying the may run a deficit. Do election promises/ agendas no longer mean anything??? I didn't vote Conservative, or Liberal (though traditionally I vote Liberal), but I just find the whole democratic election promises absolutely sickening! Say one thing, but mean another. If Harper couldn't keep us in the black, he shouldn't be saying he would, or equating the other parties to being more fiscally irresponsible than he. Thank you.

  • Gordon Priest - 16 years ago

    The sooner the Tories run up an enormous deficit, the sooner the electorate will sour on them and put them out of office for at least 20 years. Tories have a problem living up to their delusions of small government and low taxes. George W Bush is the best example ever of fiscal irresponsibility. Huge tax cuts for only the extremely rich are proving that tax cut do not create jobs, in fact they have proven to be the destroyer of the economy. Greed knows no bounds.

  • Rachel - 16 years ago

    I believe that the govt could cut expenses by a substantial percentage if they stopped sending such huge Transfer Payments to Newfoundland and Quebec (I understand re Quebec, the "rest of Canada" (ROC) 'donates" a good deal more money to Quebec than what is returned by Quebec taxpayers, on top of which they continually 'kvetch' and bite the hand that feeds them----enough already!
    And since Newfoundland voted ABC, and can expect to reap many millions of dollars from the offshore oil (and I think it's great!), let their pompous leader start paying a fair share and stop whining.
    AND for goodness sake, if there is any government/taxpayer money involved with any of the Human Rights Commissions (what a misnomer) across Canada-----STOP NOW.
    I'm sure there are many more avenues for cutting Govt expenses, and I would like to read what other recommendations readers can contribute.

  • Roger Moreau - 16 years ago

    And perhaps at this time they should start by cutting the MP's allotments and spending allowances.

  • Debbie Campbell - 16 years ago

    Cuts should start with our elected officials. If individual households spent needlessly as our elected do, we would all be bankrupt.
    They spend our money recklessly. They seem to answer only to themselves.
    If they require more paycheck, it's done. I wish it were that easy for 'Joe Public'. Want a big pension without putting in the required 45 years or problem. Clean up your own house first, then let the taxpayers help.

  • jmr - 16 years ago


    with all due respect as I appreciate your opinion, its too late to blame politicians after all they were all smiles yesterday on the Hill.

    Let's go into a deficit, become a contrarian, who has no debt in this world, can you name a country, why should ordinary Canucks pay the price NOW
    when all the "politicos" enjoy free rides in their limos everyday and our standard of living goes down the drain completely, higher crime, more guns on the street, pot holes on bay street damaging my inexpensive tires, the homeless frozen to death and all Canadians mentally unstable (higher divorce rates, etc)....I am in favour of a deficit and do not care if it is 2 Bill/ 3Bill/
    max 10 Bill and enjoy yourself.....go with the flow....remember we are selling the house but retain ownership of the children of our glorious land.

  • ont_bill - 16 years ago

    Given the ridiculous amount of taxes we already pay, and the fact that government itself has no problems giving themselves pay raises while the average worker suffers, of course there should be cuts made. A deficit is completely unnecessary; this is not a sudden war or conflict that necessitates excessive spending. This is a problem that has been developing for some time, and Harper should have had some contingency plans in place. A lack of preparation on the government's part should not be a reason for a deficit.

  • j m r - 16 years ago

    Why not run a deficit....we can sell the rest of Canada to the US and cover it in due course. They (UScorporations) already own half the country starting with the oil sands and other major players.
    Invite D Cheney (soon to be unemployed by the Fed) to visit and purchase water from the great lakes, mines up north, build a pipeline to Alaska, a missile station in Nunavut (not not an anti-missile as advertised), irrevocable rights to the great north passage for 100 years, sell the banks not to exceed 51 1/2 % ownership so they can call the shots in Ottawa, but retain ownweship of the children.

    Let them drive the value of our currency to say: 50 cents on the dollar so it cah be bought at a huge discount.
    All and all we should get about 600 billion CDN $s enough to repay the national debt.

    everyone will be happy campers, EH!

  • Margo - 16 years ago

    Cut some spending to Danny Millions Federal infrastructure expectations. But let him keep his studded snow tires seasonal expenses. The chaffeur picks the kids up from school. Danny ain't done it ever laddy.

    Cut off Charest's requested federal transfers to Quebec at least while Charest jockeys for timing his provincial election this fall. Charest wants federal money immediately so he can impress Quebecers and keep the BLOC at bay.
    Maybe name Mario Dumont to a new federal provincial advisory group to assess the damage that has been done to peoples comfort ranges from the prospect of a Green Shift being brought in. We know that punky Warren actually wrote the Green Shift and designed it to have money flow back to support cultural events under the Liberal's very tattered banner. Gee I never thought punky was that smart. Yeah you're right.

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