Is it okay to shame kids with bad grades if it works?

1 Comment

  • ShayDeeDame - 5 years ago

    No, it’s not right, even if it works. My parents were INSANELY strict on us.
    My dad had his own version of our grades, and would repeat it so often that I remember it ????to this day.
    A= Alright
    B= Better work harder next time
    C = Can’t get right
    D = Dumbass
    F = Fuckup
    Not only that, if our grades were at least a 3.75, he would let anyone that called the house know our gpa and where we failed.
    My nana would just call me to say hi, but my dad would go in on how I got a C in PE, and would go on a tangent about how ridiculous it is ????
    Before you ask, yeah, I’m in therapy, y’all.

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