Before reading this article, are you aware of the IOFC in Labuan?


  • Theo - 5 years ago

    Labuan as IOFC centre but it does not benefit resident here in fact most those employed were outstations workers as there no restrictions for employment of outsider this defeated the chances of locals being employed compared the restriction employment regulations of Sabah and Sawarak. Only few outside employee have families here. What improvement of economics did they bring to Labuan. The economic reports of high income standard for Labuan but for resident here the actual satuations low income unemployment/ no jobs but with high cost of living suffering family members. It politically unsupported studies caused more suffering to
    low income resident here. All Federals Leaders were busy far on the side and with only selected heads in their officers to up grade their positions send here to theirs mercy to practice their plan
    for development unsure the poor local economic conditions but implemented the same standard of regulations here, Labuan is under Sabah before as the economic is still the same for the low income group, B40 struggles for daily needs, most of them need to look for works in Sabah, as
    It only way to get chance of income, Sabah state
    still support us jobs and business in this difficult
    times, it is time to Return Labuan to Sabah we
    are better taken care off. The countless promises plans projects to lift Labuan As FT economy remains zero till today had made us very sad being made stupid for decades

  • Norman - 5 years ago

    Nothing was done to improve Labuan economy the rayaat suffering/ struggling with no employment for family members ; the many empty promises of projects were not ever implemented yet our standard of economic status ware set sama the others FT (many rugulations of equal to theirs) These causes us suffering so much for long till today. We greatly long to be with our beloved State of Sabah with the standard of economic we used to be for even though less prosperity we are happy with it standard of living with many opportunities to find jobs and business as we used to long before I here hope ,“Return Labuan to the State of Sabah “

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