Do you wipe down the food and groceries when you get them home now?


  • Iman - 5 years ago

    We have a setup in our garage. A fold out table with Clorox wipes to wipe everything down and extra plastic bags to throw away packaging and any possible contaminated things. For food delivery we set a TV tray table outside our front door.

  • Felix - 5 years ago

    I try to wipe down anything I know I'll be touching a lot so snack packaging, bottles, cans and plastic covers for things like tissue and wipes just to be safe. Can't be too careful.

  • BrooklynShoeBabe - 5 years ago

    I wipe down cans, bottles, the counters I had the groceries, and the refrigerator handles. Just to be safe.

  • Bryttani Rushton - 5 years ago

    I wipe everything down before I take it in the house. Groceries, bags, ect. I'm afraid to bring the germs inside to my kids. I also have underlying conditions, being a black woman I know that's not uncommon. My mother-in-law thinks I'm doing too much but I'd rather do too much than too little.

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