Are people being racist against the Asian Hornets by calling them "Murder Hornets?"

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  • Kemdoc - 5 years ago

    One day, we’ll really come to terms with just how fukked up and racist these times have truly been. People are still in cages but we can do nothing about that with the virus taking up all the air. Same thing with DACA. Or Betsy Devos and her devilish acts against women in academia....against people of color. I could have listed 800 other issues they’ve created the least of which is more death without mitigation or care. This administration has mastered how to distract at every turn when they need to. Words like cruelty and corruption will never suffice. Fukk the Republican Party forever. I don’t give a fukk.

    All this to say the Murderous Bee moniker is racist but the bees are fortunate they don’t have to care. We do.

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