I mean... My defense mechanism says "fuck hopeless romantacism!"
...But being a product of my childhood environment, where Disney and movies like "Sleepless In Seattle" were my early teachers... It's hard to ultimately shake those fairytale desires. It takes work to stay grounded in reality, without being jaded.
Kemdoc - 5 years ago
As a penny with a hole in it. I never want that sense of wonder about love to leave me.
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I mean... My defense mechanism says "fuck hopeless romantacism!"
...But being a product of my childhood environment, where Disney and movies like "Sleepless In Seattle" were my early teachers... It's hard to ultimately shake those fairytale desires. It takes work to stay grounded in reality, without being jaded.
As a penny with a hole in it. I never want that sense of wonder about love to leave me.