Should statues of controversial figures from British history be removed?


  • calvin brady - 5 years ago

    I don't suppose you can really appreciate what it feels like as black person to walk past a street called "Black Boy Lane" knowing the name comes from a slave market or a statue of a slave trader who used to rape, whip and murder your ancestors.

    How do you think that would feel?

    What is even more baffling is why in this day and age would anyone want that disgusting reminder of our past to remain.

    Unless of course you are proud of it.

  • Brian Rattray - 5 years ago

    Why should they be removed? because of some cry baby protesters

  • Gordon Craig - 5 years ago

    Where does it all stop? First statues, then street names. It’ll be pub names next. Then they’ll want to decide what library books we can read. Got every sympathy for what happened In USA. But this is getting out of hand.

  • Mr M - 5 years ago

    Taking down statues doesnt change history leave them alone
    Move on and stop encoraging racism

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