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Do you agree with the decision by the Alberta government to send students back to school in September?

Total Votes: 1,244

  • duane n - 4 years ago

    After hearing the Alberta governments announcement yesterday i was looking for a avenue to share my thoughts. I think from the majority of the comments we are all feeling the same anxiety and fear. Rightfully so. Not only are we looking at protecting our children but also the parents, grand parents and others that that our school children come in contact with. We closed shools at 50+ cases in Alberta. I think that was the number. There is evidence that is detailed online that some other (asian/european) education systems have very little transmission in children but on the other hand others have seen some small/large outbreaks. Most of these reports do not tell the full story. Was there a poor outcome with the other contacts of those infected children? ie. parents, grandparents, other siblings and other families / friends. This is such a new disease things are changing daily. Let's not kid ourselves...this is only about getting the resemblance of 'back to normal'. Kinney is a politician and these are policital moves. No interest in protecting children, staff and our families. If he did we would see the stringent requirements....operate for some time and see if some of those restrictions can be pulled back or reduced in the classroom. not the other way around. This almost feels like one big experiment. Like some of you I am confused by the messaging of social distancing, mask wearing...we've been having that message drilled into us for months. We do shop and click....and have stayed away from any crowds. Now we are being asked to forgo all that for our children and send them into crowed class rooms with no social distancing and no masks. This will confuse my two children. Take for example a 40,000 sq ft grocery store....chances are very low you will pick up the virus from here...floating in the air. Now Put yourself in a room that is 600 sq. ft with 30 + other children...and not from your 'cohort' group. Would you be willing to spend 5-7 hours there? It's not a matter of if but a matter of when. This is a highly highly contagious disease. Unfortunately, it's too bad to see the cases rising in AB. But i suspect, sadly, you will see at some point in the coming weeks a 'back track' by the Alberta gov't. on their initial stage 1 business as usual return to school. As echoed in other comments you can continue with in home learning...and from my understanding the CCSB will be offering a much more detailed and supported education program. I'd love for my children to go to school but as i see it currently the risk is too high. That's my decision for now but we'll see how things unfold in the next 5-6 weeks. Everyone has a right to their opinion and i respect everyones choice to choose. Stay safe healthy and well.

  • William McLeod - 4 years ago

    This is c completely out of leftist field isn’t it? Children are going to school in September with hand sanitizer and a few more people hired to keep the school clean and masks are not mandatory.
    Mr. Kenney gives everyone a scolding on TV about social distancing and wearing masks. Mayor of Calgary is making it mandatory to wear masks in public places as of August 1st. Is this to allow people to be able to go buy some masks? Why not mandatory on July Tomorrow? or in 48 hours? Mandatory to wear masks at the mall and the library but not in a school where that would be next to impossible to social distance.
    With all the tax money that this government has access to you would think that they could hire some people to do some REAL research of what is working to keep the numbers down in other countries.
    I'll give you an example from a country that I am familiar with because that is where my wife is from, Thailand. They have been wearing masks (mandatory from the early stages) any time they get near a public place or basically step outside of their home. Her nieces and nephews are going to school and have been wearing masks for quite a while now. My wife just got off the phone with her cousin who has 5 children in school and she asked her numerous questions which I am sure we have all thought about with our children returning to school.
    Children are now used to wearing the mask and have next to zero issues wearing it. Not all schools in Thailand have air conditioning.
    Some children before Covid 19 always seemed to have issues on a regular basis with the common cold, runny noses etc. My wife's cousin has not taken her children to see the doctor in over 2 months to deal with coughs, colds or runny noses and she honestly believes that is because of the mask wearing. When my son started school he had a cough, cold or runny nose almost every other week until his immune system got built up.
    I am and always have been a UCP supporter and PC before that but Mr. Kenney you are seriously dropping the ball on this one. Not all children in school return to their younger age parents at the end of the day, they go to gamma's house until mom and dad get home from work. Not all teachers are in that 22-40 age range with the health to be able fight this virus without to much difficulty. Maybe Mr. Kenney is thinking that if 50% of the parents are concerned and decide to do home schooling that will be his solution to social distancing in the schools.......they will be half empty. At this point in time I suggest that people talk to their family doctors and make their own decisions for this family. The UCP Covid-19 plan has temporarily jumped the tracks.

  • RJA - 4 years ago

    The minister of Education and the premier are only thinking in the best interest of the economy only, which is not a bad thing, but if people in the economy are not healthy, when there is no vaccine available yet for this deadly virus , who is going to build the economy?
    It’s too early to take this step! The kids are not at risk themselves is what they have to say but they can transmit to adults! We are seeing Alberta's cases are increasing again.

    On one hand the government is claiming to maintain social distancing and on the other hand they are not down sizing the class! Some schools in Alberta have decided to go with scenario 2 which is based on rotational classes. Down size the class into half and minimize the hours or the subjects per semester. OR some schools have the option of still being online as it was during spring time and a teacher is allocated for that batch of kids who have decided to go online.
    It has worked out for the rest of the other countries because the government spent money for safety environment and above all downsized the class into half( that means scenario 2 in our case), some reduced the number of subjects and increased the number of semester, decreased the number of hours per subject.
    This might be challenging for the parents whose kids are not so comfortable learning online and the parents are not wanting to take one more responsibility, but they rather prefer to give only the teachers responsibility. In this case, those parents are not running away from their responsibility and not solving the problem. Teachers can only do so much, but parents are always at home with their children. Parents need to juggle between work and kids, but think that once we come out of this pandemic we will be much more resilient and the kids will come out to be even more stronger. I know that the hardest-hit group and those who need to get back to work are mothers, but lives and health come first over money. If you are not healthy, and people in your family are sick, how will you even earn money in the long run?

    Government is urging the citizens to take precautions, be safe by washing hands frequently , but if you look at it that means crowding in the bathroom at school.
    How about the changing of classes for Junior High's, one should witness how chaotic that process is, and we are expected to maintain social distancing with such crowds? And no masks?

    As parents, we want our kids to get education and it’s our kids right to get education, but in a SAFE environment. The government is not prepared to spend a dime more for the schools and promising to keep our kids safe?

    The government laid off the staff, education assistants that means shortage of staff and what if the teacher is a victim of this virus?

    Chances are very high while staying indoors. Not wearing a mask and no social distancing because the number of class is 20+ or 30+ and remaining in contact for over 6 hours 5 days a week is just ridiculous! We are nailing our own toe and welcoming the virus with open arms when there is no sign of vaccine.

  • Just a Mom - 4 years ago

    Looks like many of you did not read the statement very well. Parents DO NOT have to send children back to school if they are not comfortable. YOU get to choose. If you don't feel safe, keep your kids home. Be respectful of those who feel returning to school is the right choice for them just like you are demanding... Think about what you are saying and how you are acting!

  • Lorraine Robson - 4 years ago

    Why is it not mandatory for the kids and teachers to wear a mask. You just announced that people in public places have to wear a mask. Is a school not a public place? I know teachers that have spouses that have underlining health issues. I'm sure there are a lot of teachers as well and their parents that have underlining health issues. It only takes one case in a school to affect many other people. You hear everywhere that masks help, then you need to make them mandatory at the schools as well.

  • Heather - 4 years ago

    This is a difficult decision, but life matters above all! At this point of time I believe it’s the wrong one! Without a vaccine, we are all at risk. The students, the teachers, staff and ALL families! It’s not just the elderly at risk. I have 3 kids in school and due to an autoimmune illness, I am at high risk of serious consequences if I am exposed to Covid. Our family has been incredibly careful throughout all of this, but I know and have witnessed that not everyone has the same level of conscientiousness. Now our kids are being asked to be in the same environment with families of unknown exposure. So then why did we just go through the entire lockdown and live within small cohorts to now, while numbers are increasing, jump into higher risk situation without mandatory safety precautions like masks for all. I’m disappointed, scared and my heart breaks for Alberta.
    I understand that some families are unable to work from home to care for smaller children. This is a time to be innovative and create NEW possibilities, NEW solutions, rather than stick with the old normal. What works for one family does not work for all. Covid travels primarily through the air, through respiratory droplets. We KNOW the risk increases indoors! The minute we have a high number of people in a building we increase the risk of the spread, Adriana LaGrange blatantly acknowledges this. Poor decision and I fear the consequences will regretted.

  • Julio Ramirez - 4 years ago

    Kenney and LaGrange both probably are thinking in their own interest not in the general interest. What about our families and our childrens? open schools is not a wise decision so far unless a vaccine is available to all the students, staff and families. Honestly, is disappointing the decision of the premier and is not 100% true that other countries are returning their students to the normal classes. If that is true, then why he did not presented or mentioned those countries during his conference?. Countries are going down again for the virus and more and more young people are being sick.

  • Alex Whyte - 4 years ago

    Education is a valuable experience in life, but life itself is more valuable and important than trying to put kids back into school at a time that we are all experiencing a world wide pandemic that is far from being under control. Why would you want to keep putting kids teachers, families at risk under these conditions. As this is only July and planning for September entry seems rushed as the COVID 19 infections are now on the rise, whose to know what August brings for infections. This Pandemic has changed the world, changed the people and views of society. Yet let's resume school as NORMAL....that doesn't work and it won't work especially when little children truly don't understand how to be safe without there own families showing them how to be... There are always a lot of blind eyes in the SCHOOL SYSTEM and the faculty will become extremely exhausted trying to have children social distant from their friends that they haven't seen in months. I don't think that returning to main stream Education has been thought out thoroughly enough to keep the COVID 19 from running rampade in an environment with many bodies in a building that predominantly is locked down and ventilation of real air cannot be utilized.. Thusly and Potentially creating a real Hotspot for the virus. When life is at risk of death, why would I send my child back to school, that would be cruel. I would rather gamble my money away

  • Hilary Smith - 4 years ago

    In the overall picture, is this the safest thing to do? It's not just the students and staff in the classrooms, it's all the family members of all of those individuals that will be impacted by this decision. One person becomes ill - and it's like a pebble in a puddle - the resulting ripples are wide spread.

    Not mandating masks, not having the ability of maintaining social distancing (have you ever been in a school hallway at class change time ?) and the problems of keeping everything CLEAN and SANITIZED are issues that need to be addressed.

    The online program of learning is an excellent option to have in place. Perhaps this can still be offered and maintained for those families and individuals who are not comfortable herding their most precious resources - their children - back into an unmanageable environment at this time.

  • Leona Umpherville - 4 years ago

    What do us older parents with autoimmune disease suppose to do to keep protected , From the exposure our younger children receive while in school?? I think most parents that have to work are voting to send their kids back to school, which is understandable because they NEED to get back to work to make an income. The covid-19 numbers are on the rise again . It scares me because I know I am at risk, if I die from exposure to corona, who will care for my son?

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