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Should the Packers sign WR Antonio Brown?

Total Votes: 1,591

  • Hammerhead88 - 4 years ago

    If Brown would be willing sign for a 1 year test contract it may be worthwhile to take a chance. The contract would have to stipulate that if he got into any type of problem deemed not proper by the Packers or the NFL he would be terminated immediately with NO further chances in the NFL.

  • Michael Walker - 4 years ago

    Do the Packers need a Cancer?? Brown has played for the Steelers and The Raiders. How did that turn out?? He also played for the Patroits!! How did that turn out?? No Thanks!! I trust the WRs we have now!! I trust Lazard, MVS and don"t sleep on St Brown. A-Rod has stated he can't to get him back on the field!!

  • Michael Burns - 4 years ago

    Heck yeah. Give Rodgers the help he deserves. Would be awesome 1, 2 knockout with Rodgers having Adams and Brown as options. Not to mention Aaron Jones. Pack would be unstoppable. It would be ticket to SuperBowl. Everyone deserves a 2nd chance.

  • Doni Tenuta - 4 years ago

    hell yeah... sign him he will be Jordy Nelson they long for
    Do it.. what u got to lose... Packers are not that smart.. hmmmmm... Jerry Jones would of if he had aron Rodgers..
    Packers need to wake up...
    Least do it 4 aron Rodgers.. u screwed up draft...

  • Dan - 4 years ago

    If he turns out to be toxic, theyll cut him so why not

  • Bang bang - 4 years ago

    Low risk , high reward.... why not

  • Thomas - 4 years ago

    A one year contract could be handled. The contract should state "any" type of behavior not acceptable to the NFL and/or the Green Bay Packers would be grounds for immediate termination of the contract.

  • Mikewate - 4 years ago

    Antonio Brown's CTE is a meme that should be retired along side his football career. The man is out of his mind and self destructed himself out of millions of dollars. How bout somebody gives him a hug and cries for, don't let him hurt himself anymore.

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