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Who will Biden pick as his running mate?

Total Votes: 251

  • Rick O'Keefe - 4 years ago

    I was hoping for a "fusion" choice, such as Sarah Palin. Consternated Republicans couldn't in good conscience (if any is left) vote other than for Biden-Palin, eh?

  • Miss Keating - 4 years ago

    Too late. Already announced.

  • Laurance - 4 years ago

    I have no idea if Tammy Duckworth has any chance of being selected. But I do like her. She strikes me as being capable. Which is important because since Biden is as old as me he could die in office, so we're choosing a potential president here.

    I think military people would like her, too. No bone spurs for her!

    Oh, and while she isn't properly Black, she is a Person Of At Least Some Color which should make some people happy. Being both a Person Of Color AND a military person might gain some votes which she would not get if she were only Black or only a Military Person.

  • Tom Esslinger - 4 years ago

    Will be Kamala Harris. Should be Amy Klobuchar.

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