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If Trump loses the election, will he try to hold onto office by claiming vote fraud?

Total Votes: 453

  • Steve Lawrence - 4 years ago

    Agree with Bob Barber. BTW, Electoral College should not be abolished. In close election, recount every single vote? Twas bad enough in 2000, one state. Plus, while we of big states dislike it, small states were offered a deal that included E/C; is it right to renege? If an amendment succeeds, fine; smalls joined knowing that one was possible. But to undermine and subvert the E/C by a ploy to agree to vote for candidate who wins popular vote, I find objectionable. Amend properly, or accept the E/C.

  • Bob Barber - 4 years ago

    When Trump loses, I am an optimistic person, he will claim that the election was rigged. Trump will throw up the standard canards of thousands of busses filled with illegal voters paid by George Soros driving invisibly across America to stuff ballot boxes, the dead rising up from cemeteries and voting, and that Joe Biden's son had Ukrainians flown in to vote.

    All of this will not stop the states from counting the ballots and declaring the winner for the electoral college. Once the college votes and Biden is sworn in as president, the household staff in the White House will pack the Trump family's clothing up and put the suitcases out on the curb.

  • Alan Scott - 4 years ago

    Trump will do everything he can to avoid losing, and there is a real danger of armed Trumpers trying to take control. I am deeply concerned.

  • Alison Dinsmore - 4 years ago

    Occasionally he does what he says he's going to do. This would seem such a time.

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