Never an official one; but when I first got out to Cali, I stood on the corner with the day laborers waiting to hop in the back of a pickup truck for work
Raven - 5 years ago
I was a movie extra from a job that was posted on Craigslist. One of my Twitter mutuals posted about it and I applied. It was an indie movie with no big name stars, but it was an all black cast and crew and I had a blast.
Never an official one; but when I first got out to Cali, I stood on the corner with the day laborers waiting to hop in the back of a pickup truck for work
I was a movie extra from a job that was posted on Craigslist. One of my Twitter mutuals posted about it and I applied. It was an indie movie with no big name stars, but it was an all black cast and crew and I had a blast.