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  • hamza hussain - 4 years ago


  • Fathollah Nejati - 4 years ago

    Dear Mr. Steve McCabe
    As an Iranian citizen, I was very happy to see the message of your interview in defense of the sanctions imposed by the mullah regime in Iran. Thank you on behalf of millions of Iranians. But unfortunately the official policy of the British and European governments, and worse, the leadership of the British Labor Party, is completely contrary to your opinion. In other words, they want the regime to survive under the pretext of maintaining the nuclear deal. However, after 42 years of experience of the criminal government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, European governments should know that this regime can be controlled and become a normal regime, except with maximum pressure and economic sanctions and simultaneous political boycott by the world's major governments. Will not have. All Iranians aspire to unite Europe, and especially the United Kingdom, with the United States government against the Iranian regime and to relinquish their fleeting and unstable interests. Until this regime falls, neither the people of Iran, nor the people of the Middle East, nor the whole world will see lasting peace and tranquility. Sincerely: Fathollah Nejati, Graduate Student of Philosophy

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