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Will Trump's nominee have a confirmation hearing and be approved by the Senate?

Total Votes: 153

  • Jonathan Gallant - 4 years ago

    Since the Democrats don't have enough votes, it is not clear what sh*t they could get together to stop a Trump nominee. Some suggest that their hardest ball would be to threaten to pack the court when they retake the Senate and the White House. Lindsey Graham's comment shows that this would be no threat, as the GOP supposes that operating like that is just normal politics. Since the Republicans confirm abundantly that the Supreme Court is just another partisan instrument, the Dems should take Graham at his word, and add six new positions to the court as soon as they have the power to do so. This would safeguard not only the national health system that they will enact to replace the ACA (which the Trump court will have revoked), but also the
    entire legacy of FDR's New Deal, which a Federalist Society court would otherwise pick apart.

  • Bob Jochums - 4 years ago

    I wish it could be prevented, but I just don't see the Democrats getting their sh*t together and finding a way to do it.

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