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Have you ever dealt with racism in the workplace?

Total Votes: 41

  • Doug B - 4 years ago

    Yes. It was a micro-aggression so I just took. It felt like it wasn't worth it to complain. I wish I could have could have been like my mother who cussed out her boss for a racist remark or my grandma who told her supervisor that if she ever pull a racist stunt on her again that she'd cut her throat and fuck her up.

    But unfortunately, I'm not my ancestors.

  • EvieE - 4 years ago

    I voted yes and I took it only because it was the subtle racism you can’t really prove like for instance if more than two or three black coworkers are gathered and could be chatting about something work related a white supervisor comes over to break it up like we’re goofing off. Or being second guessed for the same thing a white coworker said. So glad I no longer work for corporate amaerikka.

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