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As a patient, when have you encountered scribes in the past one year? (multiple answers are OK) (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 243

  • JO - 4 years ago

    Most high functioning teams I've been on always have someone taking meeting notes.

  • JT - 4 years ago

    I remember seeing a scribe in a Ophthalmologist office 20 years ago and thinking 'this makes sense, all docs should consider, but most wouldn't spend the $$$'. Recently I had 2 scribes (one in training) while seeing a specialist and the young lady started giggling which felt weird. After asking, turns out she'd inadvertantly burped and was laughing at herself, but felt uncomfortable to me, the patient. So I think scribes need to be almost invisible to make it work well.

  • Genevieve - 4 years ago

    The ENT doc I saw told me up front that a scribe was listening and recording info in the EHR. It didn't bother me one bit, but that could be because I'm in healthcare and know how difficult using EHRs can be, and I wasn't talking about any embarrassing medical conditions. I think the only line I would draw would be mental health, but otherwise my main thought was I'm never going to see this scribe in person, we don't know the same people, so who cares if they hear.

  • Marilyn Schlein Kramer - 4 years ago

    Our kids' pediatrician has a scribe with her. wearing a black polo shirt with a company logo. Took a few visits to feel comfortable. Prior to the scribe, the doctor spent much time with her eyes on her computer. Now her eyes are on her patient.

  • Marilyn Schlein Kramer - 4 years ago

    Our kids' pediatrician has a scribe with her. wearing a black polo shirt with a company logo. Took a few visits to feel comfortable. Prior to the scribe, the doctor spent much time with her eyes on her computer. Now her eyes are on her patient.

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