Do you read for pleasure?


  • PAMELA - 4 years ago

    There's nothing more that a reader loves than sharing that love of reading with other readers! When y'all first started the Reading Rainbow segment I was so excited; I couldn't always recognize the rap lyrics but would light up when I could recognize passages from books that I've read. Yes, Karen, go ahead on your reading journey! It's so much fun and you can read as little or as much as you want to, whenever, however and whatever. Read on the Kindle when you can, it will always remember where you left off. Thank you both for your reflections on the subject matter.

  • BrooklynShoeBabe - 4 years ago

    There's a stereotype that being a librarian means you get to sit around and read books all day. It's actually to the contrary. We read about books more than we actually get to read books. I do have to read books for work sometimes, and that's when I have to present them to staff. (Another way librarians learn about books.) The longer I've been a librarian (15 years), the less books I read for pleasure. The availability of new titles are endless and overwhelms me. Finally, I have more media to inform me and entertain me (podcasts, YouTube video essays, etc) so books have to fight for time in my brain although it is my favorite pastime. Audio books are my favorite way to consume books now because I commute by foot and subway, and they occupy my mind.

    I love your Reading Rainbow segment because I get to hear from and about books that I haven't had chance to read.

    Brooklyn Shoe Babe

  • Dionne - 4 years ago

    YEEEeeees! I enjoy reading for pleasure and science fiction is my usual preference. For the last few years, my bookshelf has shifted towards non-fiction works about black feminism and black liberation as well as humanism. I shift back and forth from those genres and science based pieces. This year has been different and I didn’t read as much as I wanted to, but that’s ok. I make it a point to let my teen see me read and discuss the things I learn with her–Hopefully she picks up the good habit.

  • Quan aka harrygodzilla - 4 years ago

  • Quan aka harrygodzilla - 4 years ago

    Think I got cut off
    So the test they are taking takes

  • Quan aka harrygodzilla - 4 years ago

    Hey y’all.
    I’m writing in response to Erykah Badu testing positive on one nostril and negative in the other. The same thing happened to Elon Musk. He tweeted about it and got a response from an epidemiologist explaining that the rapid test trades speed for sensitivity. So the test they are taking takes

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