Have you been able to date during the pandemic?


  • Mizzbarnes - 4 years ago

    So, I made the decision in October to date and I have talked to the most guys in the past two months than I talked to in the past 15-20 years. Even went out on a few dates, social distance, of course. I never thought that in the year of our Lord, 2020....in the middle of a whole pandemic, there is someone that will study my ass...LOL!

  • Shay - 4 years ago

    for several reasons I need to be able to smiff my partner. you cant make sure your partner dont smell like another bitch if you got a mask on standing 6 feet away.

  • Dre - 4 years ago

    I ended a long term relationship (8 years) in the Fall of 2019, so my plan was to take some time to myself and maybe get back out there (dating) in the Spring/Summer of 2020. Then when COVID happened I realized that I'm just going to put dating on hold until hopefully this is over.

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