I haven’t reached out to a dating expert but perhaps I should. I do feel confident that they would tell me all the things I don’t wanna hear and provide steps I already know I need to take. So I guess I’m good on the dating expert lol. What a circular argument. I think if we’re super honest with ourselves we can point to areas we’re we are faltering in these dating streets. But it takes sobering introspection.
mizzbarnes - 4 years ago
After a decade and some change, I decided to start dating again. And I had to ask the advice of a friend of mine who is an expert in most things 'guy' . I mean, dating in 2020 is vastly different than when I went out on my last date back in 2002, so I needed some advice. I will say that from my guy friend, I learned alot!
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I haven’t reached out to a dating expert but perhaps I should. I do feel confident that they would tell me all the things I don’t wanna hear and provide steps I already know I need to take. So I guess I’m good on the dating expert lol. What a circular argument. I think if we’re super honest with ourselves we can point to areas we’re we are faltering in these dating streets. But it takes sobering introspection.
After a decade and some change, I decided to start dating again. And I had to ask the advice of a friend of mine who is an expert in most things 'guy' . I mean, dating in 2020 is vastly different than when I went out on my last date back in 2002, so I needed some advice. I will say that from my guy friend, I learned alot!