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An Obama administration... (Poll Closed)


  • James - 16 years ago

    Get a life? You mean, like yours? Your such a sparkling example of critical thinking. I bet you have a wonderful life. When you write your autobiography that spells out the great deeds you have accomplished, I'll be sure to buy a copy or two.

  • Brian - 16 years ago

    Obama is going to do what is good for Amerika and what he is told to do by those who put him there and I don't mean the people. He will be running nothing in Amerika, like Georges Bush did. There is a made up shadow government that tells president puppets what to say or do. The whole two year election process is a scam to put Amerikans in an hypnotic spell. Americans about as dumb as Canadians go and don't even know where Canada is. The 48% good for Canada vote is wishful magical thinking of an over exited bunch of believers with goody two shoes canadian dillusions of self importance: yuppies. Canadians don't even know how to vote for change, they shit their pants and then they keep voting for the same crony scary parties: duh! Conservatives or duh! Liberals. Please get real. Canadians don't need to dream about Obama saving their dumbed down cell phone wielding brain dead life style and amusing themselves to death asses, but need to get a life..

  • Bob Larocque - 16 years ago

    After interfering in Obama's campaign, the only Canadians that his presidency will be bad for are members of the Harper government.

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