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Are you ok with mandatory 'Covid Passports'?"


  • Cathy - 3 years ago

    I refuse to be the test subject of this innoculation, I refuse to have this passport, I am an American with freedom
    Rights. This faux president by the name of Joe Biden can stick it up Obama’s ass.

  • Lucinda - 3 years ago

    How is this NOT a HIPPA violation?

  • Jon - 3 years ago

    Unacceptable fascism! Can NOT STAND!

  • Diane Marie - 3 years ago

    This vaccine passport is Fascism!! I’ve never had to prove a flu shot and I work in a school system. No one ever asked as everyone’s health info was always private. Let the 68 million who voted for Cheat’n Biden get the jab! The other 110 million who voted for our President Trump will stand our ground!! We are NOT sheep! We know our rights!!

  • Tom Totten - 3 years ago

    That’s a hell NO!

  • Janet - 3 years ago

    100% against anything to do with COVID Passport.
    Most ridiculous idea and personally I want to know who came up with the idea of the Passport.
    It’s about time we come up with a day and Time for everyone that wishes to free themselves of this Tyranny to doff these masks and declare our American Freedom that so many died fighting for!!!

  • Kathy Holt - 3 years ago

    And why would this be allowed... doesn't it go against HIPPA? What happened to my body, my choice?

  • Lisa - 3 years ago

    Absolutely NOT!!!
    Its a Virus that is 99% recoverable
    No one knows the future effects from this RUSHED vaccine
    To many flip flops from the so called experts
    I do not trust them!!!

  • Renee - 3 years ago

    We are living in an upside down world, or perpetual backwards day. The vax is not FDA approved and I refuse to be a part of a human experiment. Besides, I am recovered from covid so I have my own antibodies, thank you very much. Making a vax passport is the most asinine suggestion I've heard in a long time, but most anything the B/H administration comes up with is 180 from my beliefs. 80 million fricken way.

  • Jerry - 3 years ago

    Hell NO! What’s next, passport for polio vaccine, flu vaccine, TB vaccine? It’s no longer about safety and protection! It’s all about control!

  • Dianne Conn - 3 years ago

    On 12/4/2019 I became totally paralyzed except my eyelids. I had Guillian Barre. The flu shot was the reason. I have been told another flu shot will kill me. The vaccine is kin to something in the flu shot. I was in ICU for 2 months and hospital an addition 4 months. I fear they will tell me I have to take it. I am putting everything in my kids name. Getting in my motorhome and taking off to hide on BLM land. I am 76 still partially paralyzed. This is so not fair. The future is scary and it should be happy!

  • Douglas John Schmitt - 3 years ago

    We can't do voter I'd but we can do covid passports,,,screw them

  • Debbie - 3 years ago

    I am scared of the injection and how can the government force you to take a vaccine?
    I can’t live my life unless I do what the government says? I can’t believe this is even being discussed.

  • Clarice - 3 years ago

    No! How do you mandate something that is experimental? Not even approved by the FDA. Also, isn’t that a violation of HIPAA? Either way, no thanks. I’m comfortable with the 99+% recovery and the treatment methods that have been even more successful.

  • Barb - 3 years ago

    The US government is NOT going to force or guilt me into injecting a vaccine into my body in which I do not have full confidence. I thought "We the People" had our rights of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness! Wake up Americans before it is too late...we are at that point. The elitists are never going to stop trying to control us! Don't be a sheep!

  • Joy - 3 years ago

    No way in hell.

  • jewels - 3 years ago

    I totally agree with ya all????☝️????????????????

  • Joseph Machnik - 3 years ago

    Screw these Communist traitors, if people will just ignore their demands and if enough people rebel than they can’t enforce these radical demands, the Biden administration has radical Communists pulling his puppet strings.

  • Ginger - 3 years ago

    MY YES - was meant for I’m NOT for this medical passport in any shape or form. It’s a virus with 99.7 % survival and we have Three 100% effective treatments.

  • Connie Morris - 3 years ago

    What are WE ALLOWING THIS GOVERNMENT TO DO TO US. Where does it stop taking our rights away and when are we going to do something about possibly replacing political parties that support this BS plus allowing news media to put us to sleep with incorrect reporting that would have and did cause major flare ups a year ago!!!!! When did we allow the supposed impartial news to become bought and paid for

  • Ginger - 3 years ago

    YES- this is giving the Government absolute control of your life. - All medical/health care, financial information and locations etc. eventually they want this passport hooked up to digital money and your accounts to surveillance cameras and it will be called a social credit system. Just like what they have in China. If they don’t like what decisions you are making or you challenge them in any way they they will punish you. This is also why they want to have Medicare for all- all linked together. It also leads to medical tyranny- they can deny you care or make you put all kinds of experimental toxics into your body.

  • Dolores - 3 years ago

    No ???? Nope ???? Nay ????

  • Lisa Felgen - 3 years ago

    No! " Wear your yellow us your papers.." No! And I love to travel. I guess I will figure out a way with no vaccine.

  • Jill Wilson - 3 years ago

    Just read an article from HuffPost about IBMs connection to the nazi war concentration camps..and also saw qhere Biden admin. wants to use them for the Covid passport! Scary thought with the data they collected for Hitler, and now BidenHarris!

  • Daryl - 3 years ago

    Not just no, but hell no...
    Give me vaccinations that give me 100% and only need 1 shot . And don’t need every year. Then I’m on board!

  • Sissy - 3 years ago

    No vaccine for me and no passport. We have freedom of choice and they can’t change the Constitution to suit there selves. We must stand up and say no!

  • Jay DeCay - 3 years ago

    Screw that!!!
    Total violation of our civil liberties!

  • Starla - 3 years ago

    Wow people are really as stupid as they sound and look! That is not only infringement on your rights that V wordWill mess with your brain and your body that is so wrong on every level I can’t even begin to tell you. And it does not stop any viruses it changes your DNA people you better wake up or you’re gonna be puppets on a string under communism and slavery you thought slavery was bad before you haven’t seen nothing yet! No shot for me who the hell wants to leave the country are good at playing anyway the whole world screwed up right now thanks to all these elite billionaires messing with everybody’s head

  • Deborah Owensby - 3 years ago

    But I love to travel , I will stop traveling before I take the vaccine

  • Donna Greene - 3 years ago

    Hell No

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