The Hitachi tender and other business that the ANC party has done with the State through Chancellor House has never been truly exposed. It’s unacceptable that the party should benefit from State tenders, obviously inflated, it’s true corruption. They are sighing with relief right now
Monica Wood - 3 years ago
The majority of South Africans know how corrupt the ANC government has been the last decade. There is no excuse and the people concerned need to be prosecuted and jailed, but instead, favour is shown especially to Zuma and Rhamaposa is not as innocent as he makes out.
Too long. No arrests. Too expensive
The Hitachi tender and other business that the ANC party has done with the State through Chancellor House has never been truly exposed. It’s unacceptable that the party should benefit from State tenders, obviously inflated, it’s true corruption. They are sighing with relief right now
The majority of South Africans know how corrupt the ANC government has been the last decade. There is no excuse and the people concerned need to be prosecuted and jailed, but instead, favour is shown especially to Zuma and Rhamaposa is not as innocent as he makes out.