Have you changed up anything since being vaccinated


  • Bridgette - 4 years ago

    I feel comfortable going maskless around vaccinated people and when I’m outside. However, when I’m inside buildings I’m put on a mask. I’ll be doing that for a while. We’ve purchased plenty of mask and my family has no problem putting them to good use.

  • Kemdoc - 4 years ago

    I’m even more careful than before because frankly I don’t wanna catch the Covid after all this time.

  • SandlerAgony - 4 years ago

    I'm slowly dipping my toe in the water every single day to get to pre-COVID activities. I've been going to the movies some, but not to where I'd go three times a week & I usually do take-out for lunch or dinner, during the weekends, so I'm not willing to take a chances. Even though I just finished getting my two vaccine shots, I'm still not taking a chance with this. I'm going to baby step this till it's no longer needed to.

  • mizzbarnes - 4 years ago

    I'm about to jump into the deep end of the pool..........I'm going back to the gym. Wish me luck.

  • Angela P. Shenk - 4 years ago

    I have been going maskless around my vaccinated parents when we visit. Hugs are back. We also went to one of our favorite ice cream stands (masked). Haven't done that in over a year. Nothing like ice cream in windy. 50-degree weather. It's what we do and I am glad to get back to our tradition.

  • Allegra - 4 years ago

    I have been hanging around (and hugging) my very close very vaccinated friends.

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